There are a number of us currently concerned about how to get into / through / round Egypt since the boat from Iskenderun was cancelled and the troubles started in Cairo.
Other than travelling through Israel and taking your chances regarding being turned back at Sudan, or shipping to South Africa and doing the South -North route, these are some options I've found so far.
Anyone got any better information?
With all the emails I've got / sent, I'm afraid I still haven't got anything finalised yet (still questions to be answered by each shipper). However, all of the guys below have been pretty helpful so far and I'm making progress with each of them:
1- Turkey (believe it's Mersin) to Mombassa: Ships International (a broker) email Contact is Ahmed. Cost approx €2,500 plus a few extras. Don't know cost of clearing the car in Mombassa yet.
2 - Turkey (or Cyprus) to Port Sudan: These guys are based in Sudan and say they will deal with clearing the car from the port. Don't know yet who they use in Turkey for loading etc. Biggest issue seems to be that Visas can take up to 6 weeks to get and are needed before you fly in (I think its probably best to know you've got them before putting car in the container!). email Contact: Ismail Ahmed. Cost approx €1,900 plus insurance etc.
3 - Turkey to Egypt: This is a RoRo service to Alexandria, organised via a UK company called Autoshippers (a division of 1st Move International). Email Contact: Graeme Webb. Cost approx €850 (plus insurance - which I'm checking as it seems very expensive). Problem with this one is they're currently saying car must travel empty and personal belongings be shipped separately. Can't see that working for us.
SimonLore also mentioned a company called UnRoRo which goes from Turkey to Alexandria, but I don't have contact details to hand and don't know if they will allow personal possessions to be left in the vehicle (or whether it would be safe to do so - I've heard some horror stories).
Mind you, I've heard nothing good at all about Mombassa or Dar.