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North Africa Topics specific to North Africa and the Sahara down to the 17th parallel (excludes Morocco)
Photo by Brad-Houghton, of Parque Nacional Eduardo Avaroa, Bolivia

Destination ANYWHERE...

Photo by Brad-Houghton,
The Stone Tree,
Reserva Nacional de
Fauna Andina Eduardo Avaroa
(Eduardo Avaroa Andean Fauna
National Reserve)

Trans Sahara Routes.

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Old 7 Jan 2024
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We are now since 2 weeks in Algeria and made our way to In Amguel. No Problems with the police, only once turned back in a small road in Tlemcen Region, because too close to Morocco (30 km).
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Old 12 Jan 2024
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We are now in Algiers waiting for our flight tomorrow.
We arrived in Tam on Tuesday and took a night flight yesterday, the more conveniant morning flights are usually sold out, when booking short term.
This thread was somehow the trigger for our voyage, thanks for all the contributions. Without it, we would not have taken a chance to try travelling in Algeria. My first and last time here was in 2003.
It worked all better than expected. We took the ferry from Almeria to Ghazaouet. Got off at 9.15 and had passed the Migration at 10.00. That was due to being foot passengers and ones of the first in line. There are way less foot passengers than drivers. It was good to have a booking for the first night to shorten the inquiries. We got the visa as described with some online bookings, proof of travel insurance and confirmation of employer.
Our route was Ghazaouet- Tlemcen-Ain Sefra- Beni Ounif - Taghit - Adrar - Reggane - In Salah - In Amguel - Tazrouk - Tamanrasset.
My Impression was, that we were stopped more often by the police in the north and between In Salah and In Amguel. But most often we did not have to wait for much time. As we were cycling on a tandem it was impossible to get unseen through the checkpoints. We always were transparent with the police, telling the next towns en route. Only 2 or 3 times they started the dialogue mentioning escorte or agency, and some first had to phone the line up, but we never had to argue, just wait a bit and "bon voyage". The only checkpoint, that was giving less confidence was 120 km behind In Salah, talking about aggression until Arak, but after 45 minutes, we could continue into the dusk and stayed the night at the simple service station hostel 20 km later. The police checkpoint in In Salah and a mobile Gendarmerie Check 2 km later were short and had no suspicion when we gave Tam as destination.
I had the impression, that we always had a thorough check, when getting in a new Wilaya, but afterwards were waved through in the same Wilaya as they knew already about foreign cyclists coming through.
After In Amguel, we had no more checkpoints in the Ideles and Tazrouk road. On our last day in Tamanrasset we went up the Assekrem road a bit, but the checkpoint at the crossroads did not even stop us.
People were often happy to meet us and especially the south hopes that tourists are coming back in greater numbers.
It seems that the Escort requirement for Assekrem has fallen not so long ago, but things can change again quickly.
We were told, that there was some gold found recently in the Hoggar and the government tries to push back illegal prospection and mining.
Cycling in Asia: Thailand to Turkey, Siberia and Central Asia
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Old 12 Jan 2024
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Originally Posted by Chri8 View Post
We are now in Algiers waiting for our flight tomorrow.
We arrived in Tam on Tuesday and took a night flight yesterday, the more conveniant morning flights are usually sold out, when booking short term.
This thread was somehow the trigger for our voyage, thanks for all the contributions. Without it, we would not have taken a chance to try travelling in Algeria. My first and last time here was in 2003.
It worked all better than expected. We took the ferry from Almeria to Ghazaouet. Got off at 9.15 and had passed the Migration at 10.00. That was due to being foot passengers and ones of the first in line. There are way less foot passengers than drivers. It was good to have a booking for the first night to shorten the inquiries. We got the visa as described with some online bookings, proof of travel insurance and confirmation of employer.
Our route was Ghazaouet- Tlemcen-Ain Sefra- Beni Ounif - Taghit - Adrar - Reggane - In Salah - In Amguel - Tazrouk - Tamanrasset.
My Impression was, that we were stopped more often by the police in the north and between In Salah and In Amguel. But most often we did not have to wait for much time. As we were cycling on a tandem it was impossible to get unseen through the checkpoints. We always were transparent with the police, telling the next towns en route. Only 2 or 3 times they started the dialogue mentioning escorte or agency, and some first had to phone the line up, but we never had to argue, just wait a bit and "bon voyage". The only checkpoint, that was giving less confidence was 120 km behind In Salah, talking about aggression until Arak, but after 45 minutes, we could continue into the dusk and stayed the night at the simple service station hostel 20 km later. The police checkpoint in In Salah and a mobile Gendarmerie Check 2 km later were short and had no suspicion when we gave Tam as destination.
I had the impression, that we always had a thorough check, when getting in a new Wilaya, but afterwards were waved through in the same Wilaya as they knew already about foreign cyclists coming through.
After In Amguel, we had no more checkpoints in the Ideles and Tazrouk road. On our last day in Tamanrasset we went up the Assekrem road a bit, but the checkpoint at the crossroads did not even stop us.
People were often happy to meet us and especially the south hopes that tourists are coming back in greater numbers.
It seems that the Escort requirement for Assekrem has fallen not so long ago, but things can change again quickly.
We were told, that there was some gold found recently in the Hoggar and the government tries to push back illegal prospection and mining.

Congrats Chris! Great to hear that you made it down and around successfully.

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Old 11 Feb 2024
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I did the same thing, but at the border they blocked me because I didn't have a guide, but I know that some people like you did it, I didn't have a real explanation for the reason for the block, I even asked the Algerian agency that told me he prepared all the documents with the officials, but it was not enough, they reasoned that they had received these provisions from Algeri.
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Old 7 Aug 2024
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Another report!

Hello Everyone,
After years of using the HUBB for my own benefit and not “giving back,” this thread made me create an account.
Visiting Algeria had already been in the back of my mind for a couple of years, and all your testimonials were very helpful in preparing everything.
Here’s my experience getting into Algeria, traveling within it, and entering Tunisia with a motorcycle as of July 2024:

The Plan
My initial plan was to ride my motorcycle from Lisbon to Djanet and attend the Sebiba festival that took place during the first weeks of July. For that, I had planned a route going west from Oran to Taghit, Timimoun, In Salah, Tamanrasset, and finally Djanet, then back up from the east, heading towards Ghardaia, Constantine, and Tunisia. While planning everything in more detail, I realized that the condition of the road connecting Tamanrasset and Djanet would be a huge challenge for a bike carrying two people, 30+ kg of luggage, a lot of water, and extra fuel. So, unfortunately, I had to rethink my plan, forget about Djanet this time, and stick to Tamanrasset and the Ahaggar National Park as my final destination. (A plan that also failed.)

Getting the Visa
Applying for the visa started as an apparently easy process. I checked and gathered all the documentation I would need for me and my girlfriend. This included the ferry ticket (free cancellation until 48 hours before departure) and 3 hotel reservations I had made through Booking.com along the Algerian coast (also free to cancel, as that was the plan all along). I visited the Algerian embassy in Lisbon, explained our “coastal route,” handed everything in, and paid for the visas in less than 20 minutes. I was fortunate enough to deal with a very nice embassy worker. Some days later, I got a phone call from the embassy. They required proof that we were employed and wanted a signed document from our employers stating our functions within our companies. This was something that was not listed, but alright, two days later I was already handing them these additional documents.
A week later, I received another call from the embassy. They wanted to confirm my planned route in Algeria and warn me that it was completely forbidden for me to go south. I got curious and asked what was considered south? The answer was “anything south of my route” (I had presented them the following route: Oran - Algiers - Annaba - Tunisia). I started to wonder what could go wrong and how they could control where I'll be going. It was enough to get me thinking but not enough to ditch my plan. Later that day, I received another phone call from the embassy. Maybe my curiosity previously got them suspicious, and they now wanted me to declare in a signed document that I was sticking to my route and not going anywhere else. At this point, I started to doubt the entire trip being possible. I really didn’t want to push it and face unpleasant consequences in Algeria. I slept on it, and the next day, I decided to write down that declaration. I wrote it in Portuguese and did my best to avoid any real commitment to my words. I was vague and stated a lot of “ifs”. I printed it, signed it, and went to the embassy for the last time. Another week passed with no news, and as our ferry departure date approached, I began to worry. Maybe my declaration declaring nothing did not convince them, and they would not issue us the visas. Four days before our ferry departure, I got the call: “Your visas are ready!” Finally, good news. The very next day, as soon as the embassy opened, I was already there picking up our passports, although the good outcome obviously came with a twist. We were granted only a 10-day visa, which would again interfere with our actual plan—a very naive mistake on our part as I was convinced that the tourist visa, independently of the route presented, would be 30 days. But that was not the case; they gave us the exact amount of time we needed for our fake coastal route. Lesson learned.

The Ferry
Eduarda and I left Lisbon towards Almeria (Spain), where we took the Naviera Armas/Trasmediterranea Ferry to Oran. The ferry was quite expensive but was the best option that suited our plan. Unlike Morocco or Tunisia, there are not a lot of alternatives. Expect to pay 250+ euros for a person and a motorcycle one-way ticket and expect only a couple of ferries per week (at least from Spain). The crossing from Almeria to Oran took around 6 hours, a walk in the park compared with the 30+ hours that were waiting for me some weeks later. We were the only tourists and the only motorcycle on the ferry. I guess it makes sense as it was July, but we’ll get to that in a bit.

Getting In
As soon as we got off the ferry, we got the green light from the Algerian authorities to skip the queue of cars, which is always a good start. In 10 minutes, we were already handing our passports to a police officer. “Portuguese? Cristiano Ronaldo!” We all smile, and our lives get automatically easier, and this could summarize every interaction I’ve had with the authorities and people in Algeria, and Africa in general. A big thanks to Cristiano for diplomatically making the life of every Portuguese citizen easier for the past 20 years. We both got our passports stamped in 30 minutes. Then it was time to get the bike into the country. One hour more for Douane, and we were free to roam Algeria. The whole process was super fast, in my opinion. Everything was simple, well-organized, and the officers were very helpful. I only had one officer checking my bags, who I later realized actually wanted some money, but as my French sucks, I honestly thought he wanted to know how much money I had with me. So, I guess he got confused with my french attempt of an answer for that, and he quit.
As soon as you get out of the port, there’s a place where you can buy vehicle insurance. It cost us 15 euros for a month, and they also exchanged some money for us at a good rate given the circumstances (220 dinars for 1 euro). We ended up re-entering the port to buy a SIM card from the mobile operator stands at the exit. It’s mainly young people working there, and they were pretty helpful. We ended up choosing Mobilis, which had 80GB of internet for a month for less than 10 euros. With all these things taken care of, we were good to say goodbye to the port for good.

Getting Around
Booking a place to stay online doesn't really work in Algeria, and in some cases, you might fall victim to scams when booking rooms on shady websites. Google Maps will be your best solution for this. One thing we did was choose the hotel that suited our needs best for the next day and kindly ask someone from the hotel where we were staying to call and let them know in advance that we were coming the next day.
We ended up exchanging all of our money at the first hotel where we stayed in Oran, so we don’t really know how it goes on the streets. However, it seems that everyone knows someone, and you'll always get a way better rate than in a bank.
Fuel is ridiculously cheap in Algeria, around 35 euro cents per liter. It’s so cheap that on the outskirts of Timimoun, I was offered a full tank by the guy working at the fuel station.
Algerians are very welcoming. As you might guess from what’s written above, the lack of tourism makes all interactions more genuine. No one is going to bother you or try to get something from you. Prices are the same for everyone, and with the exception of smaller towns (just like everywhere in the world), everyone will go on with their lives not caring at all about your presence.
Food is good and cheap, from traditional to fast food. We stuck to places with good reviews.
Roads are overall in good condition, despite a few beaten-up parts, nothing to worry about.
We always had data coverage from my Mobilis SIM card. You’ll see plenty of antennas installed in the desert.
What about police or checkpoints? To my surprise, I got stopped only twice. Maybe I was riding too early, maybe it was too hot for them to be outside, or maybe it was so foolish to be riding during that period that no traffic was being checked. Despite the distance from where we quit continuing south, I really felt like we could continue without any issue. The second time we got stopped was 200 km north of Taghit. It took 15 minutes as these were very surprised young police officers who wanted to confirm everything with a superior. The superior came, took a look at us and our passports, and let us go. We were still looking fresh and in good spirits despite it being 40ºC, but later that day we experienced 48ºC in Taghit.

The Actual Trip
Even after the setback with the short 10-day visa, we were still determined to reach Tamanrasset. We really didn’t think about how stupid and dangerous this would be with the high temperatures, but at least we were somewhat prepared: plenty of water, plenty of fuel, Dioralyte solutions, energy bars…
The first days already showed us that it would not be fun. We were getting up at 5 am and trying to reach our destination before 12 pm. After reaching our destination, there’s not much you can do. It's too hot to walk around, too hot to do anything, and everyone is equally avoiding the heat. Every town turns into a ghost town after 12 pm. We were picking hotels with swimming pools to keep ourselves busy during the afternoon. It worked in Taghit, and we were actually able to relax with the shade from the trees and some casual breeze, but in Timimoun, we weren’t so lucky. There was no natural shade near the hotel pool, and it got really uncomfortable. Everything was literally burning hot to the point we actually burned our hands and feet trying to use the pool. That day, the thermometers registered 49ºC at 5 pm.
On the fourth day of our trip, we rode from Taghit to Timimoun. The day started early for us with already 36ºC on the thermometer. It got hotter and hotter by the minute, and after 100 km we were already facing 40+ temperatures; it only got worse. We went through every tactic to cool ourselves down, but it was useless. 150 km from reaching Timimoun, we stopped at one of the last fuel stations before our destination. We took a break, but long breaks mean you’ll ride in even higher temperatures, so we tried to keep them short even when we really needed a longer one (like in this case). As soon as we left the gas station, we faced a sandstorm. It started as something tolerable, and I thought it would not last long, but that was not the case. It got worse every km, so bad to the point where you couldn’t even see the road or the motorcycle dashboard. The sand just blasted and got inside everything: our helmets, our gear, even the switch to turn the hazard lights was blocked with sand. I was forced to slow down a lot, which made it harder to deal with the wind gusts. It became more physically demanding and exhausting, especially dealing with the temperature. I started to worry that the bike could overheat and we would have to stop, which would be the worst place and time for that. After these long and tortuous 150 km, we reached Timimoun. My mood got better, and we went straight to the first gas station to fuel up, get off the bike, and appreciate that we got there and everything was okay. However, it wasn’t. Eduarda passed out, and my adrenaline rushed again. The situation made everyone at the fuel station take frozen water bottles from their cars and trucks to help out as they could. I got her a hydration solution, and she ate. She got better but not enough to get on the bike. I stopped a taxi and got her inside; our hotel was just a couple of km away. With no navigation as the phone couldn’t handle the temperature, I drained my last bit of energy trying to reach the hotel through very sandy streets. When we both got in our room, we both collapsed under the AC. After this, we knew we weren’t going to reach Tamanrasset, and our plan had to change again.
In the end, our trip took us from Timimoun directly to Ghardaia, where we could finally experience some of the culture and walk around the market late in the afternoon. Our route was the following:
Oran - El Abiodh Sidi Cheikh - Taghit - Timimoun - El Menia - Ghardaia - El Oued - Tozeur - Sousse - Tunis - Bizerte - Tunis

Getting Out
Unlike entering Algeria through the port of Oran, the border of Taleb el Arbi resembles more of an African border and is more demanding in terms of time. When leaving Algeria, we got charged a fee of 12,000 Algerian dinar for the fuel (a way of trying to get foreigners to pay more for the cheap fuel there?!?). The whole thing seemed legit, and they had a receipt ready. But I was caught by surprise and decided to act dumb, pulled the Ronaldo card, and got away without paying it.
It took us 3 hours to get out of Algeria, a lot of waiting and repeating ourselves to different officers. In the process, one officer found that my bike's VIN number was not on the TIP paper and tried to escalate that into something. I played it cool, laughing and repeating, “I guess your colleague in Oran forgot about it,” showed him the VIN number on the bike and on the bike document, and after some waiting, he let us go. Again, thinking about it, it was surely a “give me something” situation, but the difficult communication and my genuine lack of understanding the signs made him quit.
On the Tunisian side, everything was easier. Two booths, two officers, and we crossed it in less than an hour. We bought insurance directly from the border police officer while getting the bike in (that was a first for me)—25 euros for 15 days. And off we went.

Final Thoughts
Algeria is an awesome country to discover, and I am surely going back to finish what was initially planned. Avoid my mistakes (or not); riding during the summer is very challenging. Thanks to Ed Gill for helping me with some doubts before the trip, and thanks to Chris Scott for keeping valuable up-to-date info (a real public service) and also for the inspiration with the Arak rock photography trip report!
Cheers and happy travels!
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Old 7 Aug 2024
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Perhaps time to go back to Berliet #22
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Old 9 Aug 2024
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Originally Posted by Thegreatbreakout View Post
Hello Everyone,
After years of using the HUBB for my own benefit and not “giving back,” this thread made me create an account.
Visiting Algeria had already been in the back of my mind for a couple of years, and all your testimonials were very helpful in preparing everything.
Here’s my experience getting into Algeria, traveling within it, and entering Tunisia with a motorcycle as of July 2024:

The Plan
My initial plan was to ride my motorcycle from Lisbon to Djanet and attend the Sebiba festival that took place during the first weeks of July. For that, I had planned a route going west from Oran to Taghit, Timimoun, In Salah, Tamanrasset, and finally Djanet, then back up from the east, heading towards Ghardaia, Constantine, and Tunisia. While planning everything in more detail, I realized that the condition of the road connecting Tamanrasset and Djanet would be a huge challenge for a bike carrying two people, 30+ kg of luggage, a lot of water, and extra fuel. So, unfortunately, I had to rethink my plan, forget about Djanet this time, and stick to Tamanrasset and the Ahaggar National Park as my final destination. (A plan that also failed.)

Getting the Visa
Applying for the visa started as an apparently easy process. I checked and gathered all the documentation I would need for me and my girlfriend. This included the ferry ticket (free cancellation until 48 hours before departure) and 3 hotel reservations I had made through Booking.com along the Algerian coast (also free to cancel, as that was the plan all along). I visited the Algerian embassy in Lisbon, explained our “coastal route,” handed everything in, and paid for the visas in less than 20 minutes. I was fortunate enough to deal with a very nice embassy worker. Some days later, I got a phone call from the embassy. They required proof that we were employed and wanted a signed document from our employers stating our functions within our companies. This was something that was not listed, but alright, two days later I was already handing them these additional documents.
A week later, I received another call from the embassy. They wanted to confirm my planned route in Algeria and warn me that it was completely forbidden for me to go south. I got curious and asked what was considered south? The answer was “anything south of my route” (I had presented them the following route: Oran - Algiers - Annaba - Tunisia). I started to wonder what could go wrong and how they could control where I'll be going. It was enough to get me thinking but not enough to ditch my plan. Later that day, I received another phone call from the embassy. Maybe my curiosity previously got them suspicious, and they now wanted me to declare in a signed document that I was sticking to my route and not going anywhere else. At this point, I started to doubt the entire trip being possible. I really didn’t want to push it and face unpleasant consequences in Algeria. I slept on it, and the next day, I decided to write down that declaration. I wrote it in Portuguese and did my best to avoid any real commitment to my words. I was vague and stated a lot of “ifs”. I printed it, signed it, and went to the embassy for the last time. Another week passed with no news, and as our ferry departure date approached, I began to worry. Maybe my declaration declaring nothing did not convince them, and they would not issue us the visas. Four days before our ferry departure, I got the call: “Your visas are ready!” Finally, good news. The very next day, as soon as the embassy opened, I was already there picking up our passports, although the good outcome obviously came with a twist. We were granted only a 10-day visa, which would again interfere with our actual plan—a very naive mistake on our part as I was convinced that the tourist visa, independently of the route presented, would be 30 days. But that was not the case; they gave us the exact amount of time we needed for our fake coastal route. Lesson learned.

The Ferry
Eduarda and I left Lisbon towards Almeria (Spain), where we took the Naviera Armas/Trasmediterranea Ferry to Oran. The ferry was quite expensive but was the best option that suited our plan. Unlike Morocco or Tunisia, there are not a lot of alternatives. Expect to pay 250+ euros for a person and a motorcycle one-way ticket and expect only a couple of ferries per week (at least from Spain). The crossing from Almeria to Oran took around 6 hours, a walk in the park compared with the 30+ hours that were waiting for me some weeks later. We were the only tourists and the only motorcycle on the ferry. I guess it makes sense as it was July, but we’ll get to that in a bit.

Getting In
As soon as we got off the ferry, we got the green light from the Algerian authorities to skip the queue of cars, which is always a good start. In 10 minutes, we were already handing our passports to a police officer. “Portuguese? Cristiano Ronaldo!” We all smile, and our lives get automatically easier, and this could summarize every interaction I’ve had with the authorities and people in Algeria, and Africa in general. A big thanks to Cristiano for diplomatically making the life of every Portuguese citizen easier for the past 20 years. We both got our passports stamped in 30 minutes. Then it was time to get the bike into the country. One hour more for Douane, and we were free to roam Algeria. The whole process was super fast, in my opinion. Everything was simple, well-organized, and the officers were very helpful. I only had one officer checking my bags, who I later realized actually wanted some money, but as my French sucks, I honestly thought he wanted to know how much money I had with me. So, I guess he got confused with my french attempt of an answer for that, and he quit.
As soon as you get out of the port, there’s a place where you can buy vehicle insurance. It cost us 15 euros for a month, and they also exchanged some money for us at a good rate given the circumstances (220 dinars for 1 euro). We ended up re-entering the port to buy a SIM card from the mobile operator stands at the exit. It’s mainly young people working there, and they were pretty helpful. We ended up choosing Mobilis, which had 80GB of internet for a month for less than 10 euros. With all these things taken care of, we were good to say goodbye to the port for good.

Getting Around
Booking a place to stay online doesn't really work in Algeria, and in some cases, you might fall victim to scams when booking rooms on shady websites. Google Maps will be your best solution for this. One thing we did was choose the hotel that suited our needs best for the next day and kindly ask someone from the hotel where we were staying to call and let them know in advance that we were coming the next day.
We ended up exchanging all of our money at the first hotel where we stayed in Oran, so we don’t really know how it goes on the streets. However, it seems that everyone knows someone, and you'll always get a way better rate than in a bank.
Fuel is ridiculously cheap in Algeria, around 35 euro cents per liter. It’s so cheap that on the outskirts of Timimoun, I was offered a full tank by the guy working at the fuel station.
Algerians are very welcoming. As you might guess from what’s written above, the lack of tourism makes all interactions more genuine. No one is going to bother you or try to get something from you. Prices are the same for everyone, and with the exception of smaller towns (just like everywhere in the world), everyone will go on with their lives not caring at all about your presence.
Food is good and cheap, from traditional to fast food. We stuck to places with good reviews.
Roads are overall in good condition, despite a few beaten-up parts, nothing to worry about.
We always had data coverage from my Mobilis SIM card. You’ll see plenty of antennas installed in the desert.
What about police or checkpoints? To my surprise, I got stopped only twice. Maybe I was riding too early, maybe it was too hot for them to be outside, or maybe it was so foolish to be riding during that period that no traffic was being checked. Despite the distance from where we quit continuing south, I really felt like we could continue without any issue. The second time we got stopped was 200 km north of Taghit. It took 15 minutes as these were very surprised young police officers who wanted to confirm everything with a superior. The superior came, took a look at us and our passports, and let us go. We were still looking fresh and in good spirits despite it being 40ºC, but later that day we experienced 48ºC in Taghit.

The Actual Trip
Even after the setback with the short 10-day visa, we were still determined to reach Tamanrasset. We really didn’t think about how stupid and dangerous this would be with the high temperatures, but at least we were somewhat prepared: plenty of water, plenty of fuel, Dioralyte solutions, energy bars…
The first days already showed us that it would not be fun. We were getting up at 5 am and trying to reach our destination before 12 pm. After reaching our destination, there’s not much you can do. It's too hot to walk around, too hot to do anything, and everyone is equally avoiding the heat. Every town turns into a ghost town after 12 pm. We were picking hotels with swimming pools to keep ourselves busy during the afternoon. It worked in Taghit, and we were actually able to relax with the shade from the trees and some casual breeze, but in Timimoun, we weren’t so lucky. There was no natural shade near the hotel pool, and it got really uncomfortable. Everything was literally burning hot to the point we actually burned our hands and feet trying to use the pool. That day, the thermometers registered 49ºC at 5 pm.
On the fourth day of our trip, we rode from Taghit to Timimoun. The day started early for us with already 36ºC on the thermometer. It got hotter and hotter by the minute, and after 100 km we were already facing 40+ temperatures; it only got worse. We went through every tactic to cool ourselves down, but it was useless. 150 km from reaching Timimoun, we stopped at one of the last fuel stations before our destination. We took a break, but long breaks mean you’ll ride in even higher temperatures, so we tried to keep them short even when we really needed a longer one (like in this case). As soon as we left the gas station, we faced a sandstorm. It started as something tolerable, and I thought it would not last long, but that was not the case. It got worse every km, so bad to the point where you couldn’t even see the road or the motorcycle dashboard. The sand just blasted and got inside everything: our helmets, our gear, even the switch to turn the hazard lights was blocked with sand. I was forced to slow down a lot, which made it harder to deal with the wind gusts. It became more physically demanding and exhausting, especially dealing with the temperature. I started to worry that the bike could overheat and we would have to stop, which would be the worst place and time for that. After these long and tortuous 150 km, we reached Timimoun. My mood got better, and we went straight to the first gas station to fuel up, get off the bike, and appreciate that we got there and everything was okay. However, it wasn’t. Eduarda passed out, and my adrenaline rushed again. The situation made everyone at the fuel station take frozen water bottles from their cars and trucks to help out as they could. I got her a hydration solution, and she ate. She got better but not enough to get on the bike. I stopped a taxi and got her inside; our hotel was just a couple of km away. With no navigation as the phone couldn’t handle the temperature, I drained my last bit of energy trying to reach the hotel through very sandy streets. When we both got in our room, we both collapsed under the AC. After this, we knew we weren’t going to reach Tamanrasset, and our plan had to change again.
In the end, our trip took us from Timimoun directly to Ghardaia, where we could finally experience some of the culture and walk around the market late in the afternoon. Our route was the following:
Oran - El Abiodh Sidi Cheikh - Taghit - Timimoun - El Menia - Ghardaia - El Oued - Tozeur - Sousse - Tunis - Bizerte - Tunis

Getting Out
Unlike entering Algeria through the port of Oran, the border of Taleb el Arbi resembles more of an African border and is more demanding in terms of time. When leaving Algeria, we got charged a fee of 12,000 Algerian dinar for the fuel (a way of trying to get foreigners to pay more for the cheap fuel there?!?). The whole thing seemed legit, and they had a receipt ready. But I was caught by surprise and decided to act dumb, pulled the Ronaldo card, and got away without paying it.
It took us 3 hours to get out of Algeria, a lot of waiting and repeating ourselves to different officers. In the process, one officer found that my bike's VIN number was not on the TIP paper and tried to escalate that into something. I played it cool, laughing and repeating, “I guess your colleague in Oran forgot about it,” showed him the VIN number on the bike and on the bike document, and after some waiting, he let us go. Again, thinking about it, it was surely a “give me something” situation, but the difficult communication and my genuine lack of understanding the signs made him quit.
On the Tunisian side, everything was easier. Two booths, two officers, and we crossed it in less than an hour. We bought insurance directly from the border police officer while getting the bike in (that was a first for me)—25 euros for 15 days. And off we went.

Final Thoughts
Algeria is an awesome country to discover, and I am surely going back to finish what was initially planned. Avoid my mistakes (or not); riding during the summer is very challenging. Thanks to Ed Gill for helping me with some doubts before the trip, and thanks to Chris Scott for keeping valuable up-to-date info (a real public service) and also for the inspiration with the Arak rock photography trip report!
Cheers and happy travels!

Glad that you and your girlfriend are back home and hopefully all safe and well.

I must admit I hadn’t realised that you were planning to travel in July! The Adrar Region in particular is bad enough in late September/October let alone high summer so this was definitely brave to try!

Part of me wonders whether the time of year influenced the embassy’s decision on your visa. But then again the official situation is still so unclear on that front, there appears to be no consistent policy.

Your story is definitely one for others considering this trip to note - time of year is hugely important here. For me, early October to late March/early April is the time to go. Outside of that the logistics, particularly for any piste riding, just become too difficult in terms of safety, volume of water you need tk carry etc.


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Old 7 Sep 2024
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Amazing trip and videos! I'm impressed with Berezina, just 450kms south of Oran.

I am looking for info: people say you need and escort, so I m trying to figure if you were lucky or if they allow you on a bike (compared to a 4WD car), since I saw a few cases (including yours).

BTW, did you declare that you planned to go south? And the dron?
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Old 7 Oct 2024
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Question ENTERING Algeria from Tunisia without a guide?

I think I've read 2 reports now where people have entered Algeria from Tunisia (Taleb Larbi) without a guide, since early 2023.
Is there anyone else, or do you know of anyone?
Most reports cover in and out by ferry, or in by ferry and out by land.

The 2 agencies I have spoken to have (obviously) said that to arrive by land you MUST have a guide booked from that point on.
We have just about missed our window for getting a visa in Frankfurt, but we will probably try to make some detours to put the application in anyway.

Costs are too high for us to have a guide that is with us all the time, and a rigid plan isn't our cup of tea.

We are close to make or break to include Algeria in December in our trip, but we soooooo want to go there! Sure, we can roll up at the border and try our luck, but when our mouths are watering already at the prospect of "touring" Algeria, it would be such a disappointment to not even get in!

Obviously from some point (.....?) south we need a guide, that's a given.

Anyone got any better suggestions or tips?
If I were posting on Insta or somewhere, it would be a survey: go for it // leave it out ?!
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Old 7 Oct 2024
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To enter without a guide do not contact agencies; arrange booked lodgings (certificate d'hebergement) to get the visa. Ferry or overland, it's the same. Only fly-ins get visa on arrival (because they are on an agency tour).

Or on the visa app, just say you are exploring the north in a campervan. This has worked for others on and off for years, but is unpredictable and will depend on consulate and nationalities. Then try and slip south (of In Salah/Hassi Messaoud) and see how far you get. They will only turn you back.

See: https://wherenextbarney.me/routes/ro...-by-motorbike/
or read similar info here.

If you can sweet talk checkpoints (speak French) you can travel right through the south. The north will have fewer hurdles as long as you give the right answers.

To 'roll up at the border and try our luck...' would be a waste of time, as it would anywhere in the world that requires visas in advance.
Algeria in not like other countries. More like Iran: difficult (without escorts) but worthwhile.
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Old 7 Oct 2024
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You´d need the visa in advance for entering Algeria from Tunisia, applications for visa better include a booking. I'd take the chance of a visa application at the embassy in FFM, even if its yet pretty close to your planned departure.

Somewhere in this forum s/one posted some time ago contact details of a woman running a guesthouse or hotel in Algier, who seems to play along the game of issuing booking receipts and/or invitational letters for the entire time of your month(s) long visa application, but she´s obviously fine with it, if you just pay or stay a (few) night(s) and freely continue your trip.
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Old 7 Oct 2024
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Originally Posted by Chris Scott View Post
To enter without a guide do not contact agencies; arrange booked lodgings (certificate d'hebergement) to get the visa. Ferry or overland, it's the same. Only fly-ins get visa on arrival (because they are on an agency tour).

Or on the visa app, just say you are exploring the north in a campervan. This has worked for others on and off for years, but is unpredictable and will depend on consulate and nationalities. Then try and slip south (of In Salah/Hassi Messaoud) and see how far you get. They will only turn you back.
Thanks Chris ... we are umming and ahhing a bit to be honest. It's a pain to go back to Frankfurt and delays our current journey even more. And somehow I've convinced myself from reading posts (rightly or wrongly) that Germany is particularly painful. "Ferry or overland, it's the same" is the new bit for me - thanks!. What I don't want is to rock up with a visa, to then be turned back, as our trip to get to southern Spain after that ends up costing almost (well not really) as much as booking a tour.

What turned out to be a little seed sown has turned into an itch that can only be scratched by actually going there :-)

PS My French is appalling... school O Level a zillion years ago

Last edited by wickychicky; 7 Oct 2024 at 17:11. Reason: forgot to add about French speaking
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Old 7 Oct 2024
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Originally Posted by TodoTerreno View Post
You´d need the visa in advance for entering Algeria from Tunisia, applications for visa better include a booking. I'd take the chance of a visa application at the embassy in FFM, even if its yet pretty close to your planned departure.

Somewhere in this forum s/one posted some time ago contact details of a woman running a guesthouse or hotel in Algier, who seems to play along the game of issuing booking receipts and/or invitational letters for the entire time of your month(s) long visa application, but she´s obviously fine with it, if you just pay or stay a (few) night(s) and freely continue your trip.
Cheers Todo - I wrote to her last night and await her reply.
This was the post you refer to (so new readers can see): https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hu...algeria-103794
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Old 4 Weeks Ago
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Trip report december 2024

Following al the reports in this thread, we also had a go at the deep South without a guide last december/january. We got the visa before departure by booking some hotels (in the North). We took a 'hybrid' approach and planned to meet a guide somewhere around Djanet, arranged by another couple traveling with their own vehicle around the same dates. Our plan was to 'test the waters' and see how far we would get and what we could do without a guide.

Going south along Biskra/Touggourt we met our first serious checkpoint in Hassi Messaoud. They were definitely surprised to see a solo vehicle, but they let us go after escorting us through town (standard procedure in Hassi Messaoud we understood). The next checkpoints we stuck to the story that we would meet our guide in Illizi, and that was good enough for most. One of the checkpoints wanted to know which agency we where traveling with and tried to reach our guide (but didn't get a hold of him).

We decided to try our luck and see if we could get to the Bordj Omar Driss - Illizi piste. According to our agency the piste was 'closed' north to south. The checkpoint at the crossroads to BOD let us turn off the RN3, which gave us some (false) hope. Once we were in BOD, we were escorted to the gendarmerie station. The officers seemed genuinely concerned and asked us repeatedly what we were doing here and if we knew that this was not the route to Illizi. After explaining them that we knew that we had to go back to the RN3, they told us that the piste to Illlizi was not safe due to 'terrorist activity'. We already decided to not push it further, but were also escorted all the way back to the RN3.

After this experience we decided to just meet with the guide in Tassili N'Ajer and enjoy the rest of the trip (Djanet, Tadrart, Assekrem, Tamanrasset). The guides were sharing just enough of our travel plans to get through the checkpoints, but still having the freedom to explore some smaller pistes. Deviating from this plan was also not possible ('interdit'). The agency later told us that sometimes they get permission to explore a piste from one direction (i.e. going from Illizi to BOD), but not from the other direction because the local military interprets the rules differently. On the way back North, we were able to drive unescorted from Erg Mehedjibat and up (this is where our group split up).

After a few weeks in Algeria, it was clear that you can indeed dodge the escort rule, especially if you stick with the main roads and shorter bits of piste. But to explore some of the more remote pistes, you need a lot of local knowledge (or time) to make it work. The comments about 'terrorist activity' and the concerns about our safety felt empty at the time, but the news about the Spanish tourist made us realize that there might have been some truth to it. Let's hope it does not impact tourism and the freedom to roam too much.
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Old 4 Weeks Ago
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Thanks for your report.
From my very first travels in Alg, 'interdit' was a word I heard all the time.

I find it hard to think there is terrorist activity on the 'Graveyard Piste' to Illizi.
Terrorists from where and doing what? It's not even a viable smuggling corridor.
However, this is where the mass of the 2003 aductions took place and afaik that classic route has been closed ever since.
But as you say each regional authority interprets rules differently.

I think meeting a good guide down south is a smart way to do it.
You can claim genuinely to northern CPs you have a rendezvous, so it would be just like the pre-escort / GPS days: you hired a knowledgeable guide to do a new route.
Of course these days they are supposed to escort you border to border and may not work for motos, but with a few vehicles the cost gets minimal, they can show you good places, be fun to be with and help blag the CPs.

Otherwise, get and stay on the piste for as long as possible - also does not really work with motos.
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algeria, algerie, taleb larbi

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