An interesting and heated discussion. Have been pondering the value of insurance myself, but only with regard to medical cover. If I need medical help en route, I expect to be asked to cough cash up front, which I'd hope to be able to claim back on insurance later.
On theft: you have to remember you're carrying kit worth probably more than a few years salary for most of the people you meet along the way. A sensitivity to this is vital. Don't flaunt your possessions and be discreet. Don't expect to leave your vehicle and not have it tampered with. It'll probably be fine, but as a 'rich westerner' you ought to be prepared to lose what you can't keep your eye on. And, let me tell you, you're not safe in the UK. 2 Hoods tried to steal the racks off my roof a few months ago. Unfortunately for them, they are the solid Brownchurch variety and all the hoods got were the clamps before the weight of the racks got the better of them (and set off the alarm). Hah!