Guys, to all out there, haven't been around recently (several months...)
I forgot my password and couldn't get an emnail to grant or susan so I reregistered...
so, update on my libya invitatations messages
1) 4 people are required for invite and group visa
2) carnet is required (insurance purposes/customs my cruiser is worth 12,000 I say 6000 for carnet purposes so my carnet is £600)
3) Libyan authorities would obviosly like you to pay for an 'escort' for the whole of your trip, however, you don't actually need to do this. You MUST be for a guide for the Akakus because it is a national park (minimum 100-120US$ per day, but this is just for say, 5 to 7 days if you want to spend this time in the Akakus)
4) otherwise, the following apply;
An escort without his vehicle is approx 40US$ per day, you pay for his food and water, he sits in your 4x4
An escort with his own vehicle (i.e. escort as driver,100US$ per day,you pay for his food and water.
Ideally, you hire at least one agency vehicle and driver (two vehicles is a good situation in Libya, three is better)
Some of you guys might be interested in the following; (some of you also might remember that I am a researcher as well as an overlander).
There are opportunities to join me on my next interim surveys of the Wadi Tabra'qat, the Wadis Ahloun, Aheir and Aramat (these are all in the north Akakus south of Fort Tarat and north east of sardelles, and north of Ghat)
Next season is Spring next year, Autumn and then the next 5 years, Spring and Autumn from 2003 to 2006/7
Anybody interested either hit me off-forum on or send global email to the forum - I will endeavour to reply to all enquires re, me, my vehicle, my research projects, libya etc