The route sounds excellent, but may be beset with problems politique at the moment.
Word is that the only official exit from southern Algeria by tourists is from In Guezzam. The piste to Segeudine from Djanet is infrequently used and is rarely used by tourists, although it is a very nice one to do.
Niger may also be picky about the Djanet-Chirfa crossing because the Chirfa military post is *not* really geared up as a border crossing for tourists. It is probably easier on the Al Gatrun-Madama-Seguedine route which goes direct from Libya to Niger, although there are other current postings on the forum talking this one through too.
Elsewhere on the forum a Libyan posted something saying the Ghat-Djanet crossing is closed (except with a permit??).
[This message has been edited by Richard Washington (edited 22 June 2004).]
[This message has been edited by Richard Washington (edited 27 June 2004).]