London->Tunisa 600 kms ??????
Hi all . While looking for new ferries conection to get me to Algeria , I found out that... "Transmediterranea Ferries"
( )
fleets a two-a-week ferry from Valencia to Tunisia !!! at a really cheap price.
(Valencia is about 500 kms away from Bilbao (Highway) , which as you know , is ferry-connected to Portsmouth (UK) by P&O Ferries)
Therefore , that makes the absolute shorter route from UK to Tunisia/Algeria ,may be quicker ,and -IF you think about the French toll-roads avoided - definitely the cheapest ! .
[This message has been edited by MADRID_CAPETOWN (edited 15 July 2004).]
[This message has been edited by MADRID_CAPETOWN (edited 15 July 2004).]