It used to be so that OAU member countries had a recriprocal arrangement about the temporary importation of cars meaning you could drive the bike to South Africa without any problem. I understand that this may have changed now. There used to be a scam running in the late eighties and early nineties which involved importing cars and so on into Togo thereby avoiding any ned for a carnet.
If you live in Mali and are in Bamako there are three places where you could find out info on this. The first is the customs compound on the Route de Segou. When you paas the roundabout on the junction to Sikasso the customs are on your right, secondly at the place where you get your Laisser-paisser extended opposite the entrance to the goods yard near the train station or at the main customs building in Bamako.
I suggest you get it in writing, if not even a photocopy of the book itself. I wouldnt settle for a "C'est bon Chef" or the éven more dreaded "C'est pas grave mon ami".