Mauritanian visa in Rabat
We collected our visas in Rabat on January 20th. I thought someone might appreciate the latest info.
Arrived outside the embassy at midnight thinking we would be the only ones there. Ha! It was like a gypsy camp! How long before the neighbours complain?!?!?
Slept in the cars. Got in the queue outside the door about 08:15. EXTREMELY rude little bas***d came out at 08:50 and handed out new double-sided blank forms. FORGET filling out downloaded forms - he won't accept them! He also handed out numbered bits of paper - a bit like being at the fish counter at Tesco! A good move. Avoided all the pushing and shoving!
Then came the BAD news. The visas would NOT be ready "same day". The "other" guy at the door said 09:00 tomorrow. Wrong! We came back at 09:00 next morning, only to be told they would not be ready till 14:00! That screwed up the schedule nicely!
And when we got back there at 14:00, at least one (German) guy was told that his would be ANOTHER 24hrs! Prepare for the worst!!
Two little postscripts .....
1)The second night in Rabat, we found a nice little hotel just down the coast at Temara Plage - the PANORAMA. Very reasonable. Off-road parking.
2)After the 14:00 pickup, thanks to the new motorway down to Agadir, we got back on schedule and got to MIRLEFT for 23:00.