Missing tourists accused of theft in Alg
Thanks for a couple of people for passing this from the BBC:
with a bit more background at:
and here - found in the Erg Admer not Niger and with over 100 artefacts in their possession:
A couple of fishy things, as ever with Alg but which may be explained as the story evolves:
If they were 300km south of Djanet they were just about in Niger. This may well have been their destination all along after "giving the guide the slip" near Djanet, but you'd think they would have belted for the border which is do-able in a day.
(It is not unknown for Algerian helicopters to stray over the border into Niger when chasing smugglers...)
If they were really primarily intent on looting artefacts did they really think the guide would just let them disappear and they could drive back out of Alg?
The Tassili was cleaned out of artefacts 50 years ago and (though I've been accussed of I myself - with a chainsaw no less!!) I cant believe that chipping out rock paintings and engravings is possible without ruining them.
The Algerian report says they had over 100 pieces in their possession - pretty good going for just a couple of days in the Admer Erg....
I suspect the theft charge is a punishment (and propaganda job) for raising a big search - in which case serves them right and - if correct - we can thank them for setting back responsible tourism in the Sahara.
Chris S
[This message has been edited by Chris Scott (edited 22 November 2004).]