Agadir to Dakhla takes something like 20 hours straight through on good newish buses which have a tendency to stay on the road.
A trip from Dakhla straight through to Senegal can be done in three to five days if the driver is pushing it, but once you get to Nouakchott you can take a Bush Taxi to Rosso anyway.
It´s difficult to say how long it takes to get a lift now that the convoys are finished. It used to be possible to get a lift on every convoy before, but I guess the problem is meeting up with people now that a lot of them will not be going into Dakhla. Along with this there are fewer Europeans in the convoy in March/April as opposed to Autumn, The number drops down to around 20-40 cars per week. I suppose you only have two options
1. Try to get a lift to the border where all the formalities are now done and wait around there, or 2.wait at the turn-off point 40km before Dakhla where there is a petrol station and café. At the border there is as of yet no shop or café so you should take food for a few days.
I would be wary of getting a lift with Mauritanians from Dakhla to Nouakchott direct as they may be smuggling cars down and may not be crossing the official Mauritanian border.