No Diesel?!
Hi there!
From everything we read and hear, we thought it would be best to buy a diesel and drive to Benin and sell it. Not in the last place because of the availability of diesel in the Sahara. This weekend an article in NRC Handelsblad (prominent Dutch newspaper) tells us otherwise. HELP!
******* English below******
Bijna alle oude auto's die naar Benin worden verscheept, rijden op benzine. Diesel gebruikt bijna niemand. Diesel is weliswaar zuiniger, maar dieselmotoren hebben het nadeel dat ze ingewikkeld in elkaar zitten. Een storing in een benzinemotor is doorgaans redelijk eenvoudig te verhelpen, een storing in een dieselmotor vereist specialistische kennis. Prijsverschil is er niet, benzine en diesel zijn in Benin even duur.
Nearly all the old cars exported to Benin have petrol engines. Hardly anybody uses diesel engines. Even though diesel engines are more economic, they have the disadvantage that they are quite complicated. A malfunction in a petrol engine is pretty easy to fix, most of the time. A malfunction in a diesel however demands specialised knowledge. There is no price difference; petrol and diesel in Benin sell at the same price.
Source: NRC Handelsblad 24 mei 2002 by Gerbert van der Aa
posted by Roy & Doede
travelling from Amsterdam to Benin in July and August 2002
posted by Roy & Doede
travelling from Amsterdam to Benin in July and August 2002