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North Morocco
Super 7-8 DH (0.7-0.8 EUR) .
Diesel 5-6 DH
I think you can expect find super Unleaded 98
South Morocco (south TamTam Platge)
Super 4.5 -5 DH
Diesel 3-4
I wouldnt think you can find super unleaded 98
Mauritanie [/B][/QUOTE]
Super 100-140 UG (0.6 0.7 EUR)
Diesel 70-100 UG
Definitely Super Unleaded 98 is NOT available in Nouadibou . Actually , "Super" was neither available ,so I had to fill up with "Essence" (87 RON) .
NOTE : Do not count on filling up petrol in Nouhamar (Atlantic route , beetween Nouadibou and Nouactchoct!!!! . They dont have it ... and if they do .. It will be HORRENDOUSLY EXPENSIVE . I had to pay nearly 6 EUR for every litre of PETROL MIXED WITH OIL (fuel for fishing outboard engines!) , which surprisingly went OK in my Suzuki Jeep .
Senegal: Prices much similar than those in Mauritanie (in CFAS ) ., althought in the south , lots of petrol stations were out of Petrol . Diesel was OK .
Gambian : Prices 20 % cheaper than those in Senegal and Mauritanie . Fuel was widely available .
Hope this helps.