Dear Donors,
after our initial release on the use of the fund ten days ago we received several reactions as well as new information. We became aware of some new risks which our decision highlighted as well as some conflicting desires of how to use the money. Most important, the unpredictable legal risks which the intended use of the donations would have on us became apparent.
So we came to the final conclusion to give around 16,556 euros to non political, charity organisations.
Your donations will be used definitely for:
1/3 for a charity project in northern Mali
1/3 for the Algerian Red Cross (Croissant Rouge Algérien)
1/3 Médecins Sans frontières (which operates in Mali and Algeria)
Without any person reclaiming donations this will result in about 5520 euros per organisation.
The private search in the Illizi region had been already paid for by private funds. Regarding the reimbursement for food stolen by the kidnappers in Algeria (several 100kg), 500 EUR has also been paid privately.
Persons, who don't agree to this use of their donation are requested to reclaim their payment in a written form by 31.3.2004.
The address is:, fax: +41(0) 41-556 75 12.
Please include a receipt of you payment, name and bank account (or pay pal).
The use above applies only to the following accounts:
o Moto Event route in Besigheim Boennigheim
o Sahara, Alosen Switzerland.
These accounts include the collections from Austria (George Zenz) and the
international collection (Chris Scott, Sahara Overland).
The accounts of the Dutch collection and the collection of Martin Hainz
(father of one of the-hostages) have already been distributed.
Payments will be released in the first week of April and one week later we will announce the final account.
16.02.2004, the administrators:
Wolfgang Auch, Yves Larboulette, Daniela Maack