Sahara March / April 2008
I am planning a 4wd trip to the Sahara, ideally the Libyan Sahara, in March / April 2008.
I've spent the last several years traveling around the world with my girlfriend and some close friends. Sadly when I told them of my latest and greatest idea of traversing the Sahara, it looks like this years trip is going to be a solo trip :-( After having done some research on the Sahara, and being captivated by its beauty, not doing the trip is not an option ;-)
While in principle I have no problem doing the trip solo, I simply don't have enough desert experience to do it safely. That combined with the fact that you need a guide in countries like Libya means I will need to do this as part of a group. I'm not a huge fan of being part of a tour. Often I find them rather restrictive, over touristy, isolating and a generally a difficult way to truly experience a country and its culture.
With all of that said, I've got two questions. First, is it possible to join up with another expedition and if so where is the best place to find one? This site? Another site? Second, if joining up with an expedition isn't possible, can someone recommend a good tour company that offers something more than the typical guide you by the hand group tour?
Thanks in advance,