Sahara Overland typos on Mk and R routes
Ray has just sent in these typos from Edition 2.0 but whch were missed for v2.1 which is in the shops now. Most are minor mileage miscalculations.
M6 p439 waypoint 121(239) should read 121(118)
M13 p457 waypoint 99(286) should read 99(288)
R1 p467 waypoint 137 the lat and long doesn’t look right , and doesn’t fit the leg lengths
[16 19.6 maybe (not 09.6)? I did not log this route myself. CS.]
R1 p467 waypoint 220(273) should be 220(263)
R2 p469 waypoint 9(531) W1o 7 should read W17o
R5 p473 waypoint 33(67) should read 33(63)
R10 p483 waypoint 325(50) should read 325(70)
R11 p486 waypoint 399(401) should read 399(406)
p592 GPS point for Tourayet should probably be 8 degrees 43.3’, but as it isnt on [any] map......
Thanks to Ray for spotting these
Chris S