Sand ladders are often a quicker solution and as has been said they dont get bunged up with grit or overheat. Winches are good for pulling others out but theyre often a waste of weight as hardpoints to winch *onto* are in short supply in the dunes! (unless its another car). Airing down and up via a compressor is wonderful! (who was it said they used their compressor for making Margaritas!)
Mind you sand ladders with jerry cans make an ace table for that early morning brew-up
If anyone's after a set, the best type by FAR are made from sections of North Sea oilrig decking! They dont get hot to touch, like steel/alloy/aluminium PSP/plates, they dont bend like PSPs and they are very light but incredibly tough! I have the website if anyone wants it.
'91 LR 110 Def/Disco hybrid "Elsa"
Bring me the horizon....