I have not heard of this since the mid 90s before the advent of Libya tourism when you could wander in over the border, but in a way perhaps Libya is in such a muddle at the moment that it may work. Then again, consulates are often misinformed.
To save backtracking, be prepared with 'incentives' if you think they may ease the way, though I've never heard of that being necessary at Libyan borders.
I would try and get it in writing from the embassy in Khartoum and maybe ask again in Cairo (possible address and location below). And then have a Plan B in Egypt if you get turned back. I presume you're heading to Egypt anyway so have little to lose apart from having to do the dance at Saloum twice. That may be enough to put you off. If what you have been told is possible then someone will be the first, so good luck.
Libya Embassy, Cairo, 7 El Saleh Ayoub St. Zamalek (island in the Nile). Cairo