No Man's land Morocco-Mauritania - Dangers?
After researching a little bit about those 3-5 kilometers, it seems that it is not a 'walk in the park'.
It seems that after the Moroccan checkpoint and the Mauritanian one the piste has lot's of bifurcations and that every year several cars hit a landmine there. I have also heard that if one is stuck in the soft sand there and has to spend the night, he could be attacked by bandits.
It also seems that the Moroccan checkpoint is only open from 09:00 to 17:00 hours and that there is a hotel on the Moroccan side, which is awful.
Can somebody please give me exact information about this border crossing, as in autumn/winter maybe I will drive down (and probably back) alone with my car (an old Opel Astra - normal sedan/city car -not a 4x4-), as I don't want to die by hitting a landmine or getting stuck in a bandit area(actually I am more worried about this than the situation in Mauritania).
Some info that I found:
ARE WE THERE YET? - Buried In No Man's Land!
ExpeditionCamper: Marruecos-Sahara Occ-Mauritania-Senegal.