UK to Saudia Arabia via Alexandria (no flying)
I am considering a once in a lifetime adventure and that is to travel from the UK to Saudia Arabia without flying to perform the Hajj which is religious pilgrims that muslims must strive to do once in their lifetime.
Due to the situations in Syria/Iraq I would avoid going that way.
Top of Africa, Morocco - Tunisia - Algeria - Libya etc seems to dangerous also which leaves me with probably having to do the journey by sea.
What options have I got?
What routes should I consider?
I would say that I somehow need to get to the port in Alexandria and then can make my way across the red sea to Jeddah in Saudia Arabia.
Question is what options do I have in getting to Alexandria? Where can I get a ferry from ?
In an ideal situation I would love to inclue Morocco in my journey (few people to visit as part of the journey).
I am confident I can get through Europe on public transport / trains etc and once I get into Egypt I should have help from family of friends to get me to the crossing to Jeddah in Saudia Arabia.
Any thoughts / suggestions?