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North Africa Topics specific to North Africa and the Sahara down to the 17th parallel (excludes Morocco)
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Old 31 Dec 2009
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Al Qaeda (better: the criminals) has posted a statement
In the name of God the Merciful

Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Adopt a statement of the kidnapping of Italians and his wife, Mauritania
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Praise be to God alone, victory to His slave, dearest recruited, and defeated the parties alone, and prayer and peace be upon the Prophet Almrahmp and epic, his family and companions pure and righteous, but after: Thanks to God alone, I managed a band of mujahedeen heroes of the Saturday night 18/12/2009 at seven pm the Italians and the abduction of his wife near the city (Kubni) in Mauritania.
And it comes to: Cicala Sergio and his wife, the Italian nationality Kabore Philomene Pawelgba.
And the abduction came at a time when crimes are still continuing in the Berlusconi government, the right of Islam and Muslims in Afghanistan and Iraq ... and while it continues to the Italian government supported by the people in support of the crusade of the new territories to fight for our land and our holy places.
And we say to the families of the abductees and Italian public opinion: If you want the safety of soldiers Flikm clicking on the aggressor and invite your Government to respond to the legitimate demands of the mujahideen.
And repeat the crusaders: Your security and the security of your fellow citizens and our security, unconditional security of our Muslim brothers, we are not ants and do not tire, God willing, to move forward in the way of your Jihad and fight you, and we will do everything we can respond Soltkm and salvage our prisoners tortured in Sjonkm, and Allah Ghaleb his command, but most people do not know.

Appendix: Photos of the abductees and their passports Information

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Old 11 Jan 2010
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The latest statement - translation from Google

In the name of God the Merciful
Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Mujahideen demand for the release of kidnapped French
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Praise be to God, and prayer and peace upon the Messenger of God, and his family and companions and of Lallah, either:
Response from us because the Messenger of Allah, and peace: "free the captives," and our attempt to repel the Crusader attack ferocious assault on Islam and its people have decided to inform the mujahideen governments: French and financial Bcrthm demand and only in exchange for the kidnapped French "Pierre cam":
And is not to release our prisoners who were detained by the four state "Mali" for many months.
We give the "France" and "male" for 20 days from the date of this statement to meet our demand for the project, and the end of the period, both governments will be responsible fully for the life of a French hostage ... and had due notice.
And call on French public opinion and the Family of kidnapped to put pressure on Sarkozy's government and prevent them from committing folly committed by the "Golden Brown" to the citizenship of Britain.
And Alah Akbar Allahu Akbar Alahu Akbar, and Glory be to God and to His Messenger and the Mujahideen
Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb
Sunday, 24 January, 1431, corresponding to: 10 / 01 / 2010 م

Andalusia Institute for Media Production


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Old 11 Jan 2010
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have you advice as to how to minimise risk for oneself?
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Old 11 Jan 2010
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RPT-UPDATE 1-Al Qaeda sets deadline for French hostage's life

Mon Jan 11, 2010 11:05am GMT

DUBAI, Jan 11 (Reuters) - Al Qaeda's North African wing have threatened to execute a French hostage if four al Qaeda prisoners being held in Mali were not released within 20 days.
Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) said Pierre Kamat would be killed if its demand was not met, the group said on a website used by al-Qaeda linked organisations.
"The Mujahideen have decided to inform the French and Malian governments of their only condition and demand for the release of the French hostage Pierre Kamat, which is the release of our four prisoners arrested by Mali several months ago," the statement posted on Sunday said.
By the end of the 20-day period, which started on Sunday, "both governments will be fully responsible for the French hostage's life", the group added.
Kamat was kidnapped in Mali on Nov. 25 last year and the group claimed his kidnapping as well as the kidnapping of three Spaniards.
Last May, AQIM executed British hostage Edwin Dyer, who was kidnapped on the border between Mali and Niger in January 2009.
"We call upon the French public and the family of the kidnapped to put pressure on the Sarkozy government and to prevent it from committing the stupidity which was committed by (British Prime Minister) Gordon Brown against the British citizen," the group said.
Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, formerly known as the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (GSPC), has claimed responsibility for a number of attacks in Algeria and several other countries in the region.
It has extended its territory in recent years to include Mauritania, at the western end of the Sahara desert. In December 2007 it killed four French tourists, prompting the cancellation of off-road automobile race the Dakar Rally in 2008. [/EMAIL]))
Source: Reuters


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Old 11 Jan 2010
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What are they demanding in relation to the Italian couple? It's not clear to me in the translation.. sending good vibes for the safe return of all the hostages..
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Old 3 Feb 2010
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any news from the hostages???

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Old 3 Feb 2010
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most recent update I know of is that the deadline in the case of the French hostage which was 30 January has been extended.

The French Foreign Minister made an unannounced visit to Bamako on 1 Feb although no statements were related by the minister before or after the 3 hour visit with President Toure. A Malian source reported as being close to the talks said : "Mali stressed the determining role Algeria must play in the matter."

Last edited by Richard Washington; 4 Feb 2010 at 13:25.
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Old 6 Feb 2010
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It warned that the French and Mali governments must release four AQIM militants held in Mali to win Camatte's freedom.

"Once this precious additional period comes to an end, we will have done all that we can," the group warned in a communique released on jihadist forums, according to the SITE monitoring service.

For Italian hostage Sergio Cicala, AQIM said it was giving the Italian government 25 days, or until March 1, to meet its demands and release imprisoned members whose names it said have been given to Italian negotiators.

"We ask this government, which is involved in the war against Islam and Muslims, to be well aware that the protection of the life of its citizens requires it to be serious in dealing with our demands," it added.

The AQIM communique failed to mention three Spaniards also being held in the northern Mali desert region, or Cicala's wife, Philomene Pawelgba Kabore.
AFP: Al-Qaeda sets new deadlines in Mali hostage crisis

In the name of God the Merciful Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb Statement on the abductees: Italian and French
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Praise be to Allaah says in the book, it is attacked you Vaatdoa him as he attacked you and fear Allah and know that Allah is with those ((al-Baqarah: verse 194), and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of God, his family and companions and allies and from either: Vemoaslp us to inform the public and updated basis of the abductee issue to the Western al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, and the establishment of our argument to those indifferent to the lives of others Crusaders citizens, we declare the following: First: After the initial period given by the mujahideen, France and Mali on the French soldier has decided Mujahideen certain considerations to extend the deadline until the day ended: 20/02/2010 and the end of this additional opportunity precious we will have done the last thing in our power, and what the France and Mali but then Taathmla Msiolitema full on the life of the kidnapped in the case of failure to respond to demands. Second: I claim mujahideen decided to release our prisoners, who were informed of Italian speakers, negotiating for the release of Italian Cicala Sergio, and we give the Italian government for 25 days from the date of this statement, and call upon this government involved in the war against Islam and Muslims should be well aware that preserve the lives of their habitat requires them to deal seriously with our legitimate demands. And Allah Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar And Glory be to God and to His Messenger and the believers
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Old 7 Feb 2010
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Calling ULRICH

Originally Posted by Tifinagh View Post
have you advice as to how to minimise risk for oneself?
A very good question and maybe one that Ulrich would perhaps like to answer as he is knowledgeable on the subject and it would benefit all travellers.
How about it Ulrich? care to share your advice? would be great!
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Old 8 Feb 2010
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Spain has paid 5 Mio Euro for the release of the spanish hostages.

L’Espagne paye une rançon de cinq millions de dollars pour la libération de ses otages
Date : 08/02/2010 à 14:48:49

Les cinq millions de dollars exigés par la branche maghrébine d'Al-Qaïda, pour libérer les otages espagnols, ont pris la route pour le Mali, selon le journal espagnol El Mundo.

La Fondation Kadhafi, dirigée par le fils du dictateur Libyen, Saif El Islam, aurait joué le rôle d’intermédiaire pour le paiement de la rançon. L’argent devrait être dans les mains des terroristes au cours de la semaine.

Trois humanitaires espagnols, aujourd'hui retenus dans le désert du nord du Mali, avaient été enlevés, en Mauritanie, le 20 novembre dernier sur l'axe routier Nouadhibou-Nouakchott. Leur rapt a été revendiqué par Al-Qaïda au Maghreb Islamique (AQMI).
mauretanie web - L’Espagne paye une rançon de cinq millions de dollars pour la libération de ses otages

Translation to English: Googoonish


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Old 8 Feb 2010
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that's interesting also:

Mali: no prisoner exchanges

Bamako - Mali will not give in to demands from al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) to free Islamist radicals held in its prisons in exchange for a French hostage, security sources said on Monday.
news24 - Mali: no prisoner exchanges

For my post before: The payment of ransom is not confirmed. I did not found another source with this term.


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Old 9 Feb 2010
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guessing that's a 'no' Tifinagh - no response from ulrich... which is a great shame....
Security advice on prevention/awareness for all travellers would be a great deal more useful rather than rehashed articles already on the web. Not to mention 'broadcasting' their message here again.

Last edited by Bertrand; 9 Feb 2010 at 09:36.
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Old 9 Feb 2010
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Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
Security advice on prevention/awareness for all travellers would be a great deal more useful rather than rehashed articles already on the web. Not to mention 'broadcasting' their message here again.
I disagree. These threads actually bring together the numerous strands of news available on the internet and make them available. This allows consistency checks on the content of the articles as the articles are most often written by journalists who are not in the Sahara or who have never been there. The community that contributes to these threads are often uniquely placed to assess the veracity of the reports. This is, in fact, actually in play now where there is one report on payment of ransom but no others as yet.

Contributors do offer general advice on security. There are threads to this end. A rational response to the security situation is informed by the details we have to hand on events as they unfold - another reason that it is important to post information on these events and the modis operandi of AQIM.
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Old 9 Feb 2010
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Well said, Richard.

One of the great things about the HUBB is up to the minute factual information. Yes, stuff may already have been published on the web but if I want to know what's happening now and where in the Sahara I'll check the HUBB first. It doesn't take a genius to determine what is quality first hand knowledge and what is spin...

Broadcasting their message? Forgive me but aren't they the ones controlling the cards regarding the hostages or are you suggesting censorship?

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Old 10 Feb 2010
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Originally Posted by Richard Washington View Post
I disagree. These threads actually bring together the numerous strands of news available on the internet and make them available. This allows consistency checks on the content of the articles as the articles are most often written by journalists who are not in the Sahara or who have never been there.
Agreed, these articles are welcomed as they can be somewhat difficult to find amongst the many websites. Makes really useful reading, I sure appreciate them, keep them coming.
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