I am travelling solo with a BMW 1150 GSA since 2004. Lots of nice moments in different countries:
France, Spain, Morocco, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria, Liechtenstein, Italy, Switzerland, Corsica, Sardinia, Italy, Greece, Bulgaria, Turkey(1), Cyprus, Turkey(2), Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Pakistan, India, Nepal, China (+ Tibet), Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Timor, Australia, New Zealand, Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Panama and Costa Rica.
Now (June 2013) I am in Nicaragua. In a few days I will cross Honduras (quickly) then I will go to El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico and will reach USA (something like mid-August 2013).
You can see lots of picture via my website
For the last 10 years I am travelling 8 months per year. It means that each year I store my BMW in a safe place and take a plane for 4 months. Each time it is a different custom's context for leaving my bike alone for months and not really a pain in the ass. Until now it worked :-)
I want to store my motorbike in the USA mid-September 2013, leave for France for 4 or 5 months by plane and be back in 2014 for continuing to Canada, Alaska, back to Canada until Quebec and, al last, finish my big loop around the world by taking a plane or a boat to France with my BMW.
Now my four questions:
1. Mid-August I will be in Mexico, west coast. What it the less harassing cross border checkpoint?
2. In the past I had already travelled in USA but each time was by plane and I had only an ESTA (Electronic System for Travel Authorization). This time, considering the fact that I am entering in USA with my own vehicule, is my valid ESTA will be enough or do I must have a real visa on my passport to present at USA immigration? If yes, do exist a US consul somewhere on my way in Mexico in as small town (I don't want to go to Mexico City), able to give me a visa after the "famous" interview?
3. As I already wrote I want to store my motorbike in USA for 4 or 5 months. Is it possible? How to deal with the custom's services? Do they give (like in Mexico) a temporary importation permission and, if yes, for how long? And with this can I leave USA without any difficulty (do they will stamp something on my passport when i will enter from Mexico)? Any info on this issue will be very useful for me in order to plan the last legs of my world tour. I want to know everything because if it is not possible - or very, very, very difficult - to leave my motorbike alone in USA for months, I will try to do it in Mexico (or Canada?).
4. When I will be back in USA in spring 2014, I will continue slowly through west coast of Canada in order to be in Alaska in summer. Is it a problem to enter for a second time in the USA in the same year with a foreign vehicule?
Sorry to be so long and demanding. Anyway thank you in advance for your kind advice :-)
Gilles RATIA