Widmer Brewing Portland Oregon
Thanks Mollydog for the great reply and great to hear from another appreciator of good  out there on HU.
We have general public tours at Widmer Brewing in Portland at Friday's at Noon, and Saturday's at 11am and Noon.
But, please send me a PM or email if you are ever up in Portland and I can meet you for a few cold pints and a personal tour from me. I just did a tour for some new friends last night who had never been to the Brewery.
I've never visited Anchor sadly. I lived for 12 years in the Bay Area and really didn't "discover" good  until I spent a year working up in Billings Montana in the mid 90's. There really wasn't much else to do there but spend some time homebrewing during that long cold winter I spent there.
We have crash space and have a great place just 10 minutes from Downtown Portland if you are ever in town. Keep in touch.
Right now Portland Oregon has more breweries in the city limits than any where elese on Earth. I think about 33 and counting.
Oregon Brewers Guild | Links
Life is too short for cheap  !
Eric Wager
Quality Analyst
Widmer Brothers Brewing
2006 KTM 950
2004 DRZ400S
2003 KDX 220R - For Sale
Last edited by brauhausbier; 11 Mar 2007 at 00:48.