I have done 101 (I5 is a better bet with this storm as big as it is) with gust up to 50mph not fun. its wet and nasty all that water proof gear you have well is not. 800 miles Id look at doing 400 a day or less get a hotel with a washer and dryer if not get to camp ground early and get a yert nice and dry. Bring extra socks, heated gear, gloves, ext. if you have it. Look out for trucks the wind and wash off them can be a bit more than exiting. The rain wind may put a few rocks and trees in your path as well. If you do 101 the redwoods can be slick so look out for that.
I like riding in the rain and nasty weather. I like looking at "real" bikes getting out of cars and grin. I dont like being cold and wet for 800 miles. I hate crashing do silly things.
If you have the skills and gear go for it. If you dont take the car.