Hi Diego:
It certainly is a nice looking crate.
I hope you enjoy your time here in Canada. Here is a little bit of information that might help you adapt to riding in Canada:
1) Very few people who have lived all their lives in Canada have ever ridden a motorcycle - my guess would be less than 3% of the 'born in Canada' drivers have ever ridden a motorcycle. This is very different than in Italy, where probably half the adult population drove a Vespa when they were young and poor.
Because of this, Canadian drivers are not particularly alert when it comes to watching out for motorcyclists. You will also find many car drivers who are very intolerant of lane-splitting, and drivers will become very hostile if you move up to the front of the line at a red light.
2) Except for the province of Quebec, there is no law in Canada that says you should keep to the right except when passing, and only pass on the left.
It is normal to find very slow-moving vehicles in the left lane, if you flash your lights at them to indicate you want to overtake, they think you are being rude and aggressive, and they will often slow down instead of moving over.
Passing on the right is normal practice everywhere in Canada except in Quebec.
3) In theory, the 'priority to the right' law exists in Canada.
In theory only. More commonly, whoever gets to an intersection first expects to have priority. Do not rely on the other driver following the 'priority to the right' rule, or you will be roadkill.
4) We have no such thing as priority roads (yellow diamond signs) in Canada.
5) Speed limits in Canada are artificially low. Hence, everyone drives a little bit faster than the speed limit. Except in rare locations such as passing by a school, driving 10 km/h over the posted limit is normal and expected. If you respect the speed limit signs, you will annoy other drivers and hold up traffic.
6) If you are annoyed at another driver and wish to express your contempt for them, you can give them an 'Italian Salute' (L'Ombrello). That particular gesture (palm of one hand applied downwards over upraised forearm of other hand) is well understood here.
But do not do that if you visit the USA, or they will pull out their gun and shoot you.
Enjoy your trip...