Storing and using a UK registered bike in America for 2+ years
Storing and using a UK registered bike in America for 2+ years
I am considering doing a TAT trip in the summer of 2013 after 2 months I intend to leave the bike in Canada. Then returning to the UK, by air, for 10 months, before flying back to Canada summer 2014 and continuing my travels.
I have a few questions that I hope someone can help me with:
• Can you legally leave a foreign registered motorcycle in America for two + years?
• The UK tax and MOT will have run out on the vehicle can I still get it insured. I take it it is too risky in America not to have insurance?
• If I can’t do this legally what the risks?
• Would I be better off buying a bike over there and leaving it over there?
Moderators: not sure which section this should be under please feel free to move it.