I got done by the Azerbaijan speed trap as well. Ended up paying 75 euro's for supposedly doing 93km is a 50km zone. Argued down from 150 euros. Then took everything very slowly and eventually got off the main highway. It was slower but more fun and no cops. The cheeky buggers hide behind trees with their speed guns waiting to make some money.
When I got to Baku I got help from a local to arrange my ferry ticket to Turkmenbashi. Not sure how I would have done it otherwise. It cost $500 US to take a car over. Trip took 14 hrs. Then it took 2.5 days to dock and get through customs. Once again a guide in Turkmenbashi did all the work. There were 9 or 10 different office to negotiate entry and all the fees involved. Another $200 later I was in.
It was an experience but not cheap given the guide company cost another $1200 US for a week. Turkmenistan is a bit of a police state but I had fun (apart from a bout of food poisioning in Ashgabat). I'm now in Uzbekistan after a crazy 10 days.