Bishkek to Barnaul in 5 days?
We're hoping to meet up with a friend in Bishkek on 23 August, but need to be at Barnaul airport to pick up another friend on the evening of 28th.
Not sure how good the main roads are in SW Kazakhstan? (They were a nightmare from Akatau to beyneu.
Do you think the 1800 km are perfectly do-able, plus 2 border crossings, in these 5 days? Will it be 10 hours+ deiving each day?
We are in a landcruiser and try not to travel in the dark.
Would prefer not to be rushing through, but if we want to hook up with our friend, we have to cut sth out.
Thanks for any short advice!
WanderWheels | Helen & Jens on the road to Asia with Mighty Bruce