Hi flo,
I can write you something to enter. In addition to the information on HU from previous moderator for South Korea, Seouljou, he is now only accessible via email
seouljoe@seouljoe.com ,
there is more information. For example, on the website of Adventure Rider for South Korea and, on the left is a link for English.
Trip to South Korea - ADVrider
For entry of Japan they write:
[출처] Traveling between Japan and Korea with your motorcycle (이륜차타고 세계여행) |작성자 상브로 김상준
I have read the information too late and had different experiences with the onward journey from Japan to South Korea 20/10/2014. The employees of Kampu Ferry were not cooperative. Japanese customs was a bit awkward, but not difficult. First it goes to the customs administration. There, two documents are required. Then the bike must be parked on the top floor at the customs building in the Ferry. Then again back to the customs administration. There, the stamp for the export is obtained on the permit. Approximately 1 hour before the scheduled departure opens the customs clearance. After a brief inspection it is then passed to the ferry. The ride is approximately 12 hours.
After arriving in Busan, it goes first to the passport control. Then I went to the customs. Where no one spoke English by 5 people. For the import permit my motorcycle I had to pay $ 140. The import permit was issued without asking for only 41 days.
An insurance agent also appeared at customs. He took me off the bike for $ 180. When I wanted to own look for a insurance in Busan because of the amount of the costs, they said that this is not possible. To avoid the high insurance, you need prior to entering South Korea have someone there to assist you here.
On the coast, many small towns have beautiful campsites. This you can use for free. In Korea, however, very little English spoken as in Japan. I wish you good luck with the trip.