Getting out quick HOW?
I dunno I think I've had a few low days or something infact many low days lately exacerbated by the absence of sleep , the constant fear of breakdown and unable to fix due to stolen tools is eating at me also.
My question is I am in the Irkusk area and tbh have been having thoughts on ending the trip early. (46 days isn't too bad and I got a helluva long way).
Its 6000km to Moscow and 3700km to Manchester from Moscow this is a 20 day ride at the very least
Its a 800km ride to UlaanBataar 1-2 days at least , UB = bike abandonment opportunities cross to Beijing for a flight home.
Its a 3200km ride to Vladivostok gravel road ie 10 days riding maybe more a 36 hour ferry to S Korea then a 2 day customs and shipping wait.
Question is how on earth do I get out and home quicker than the above solutions since I'm not sure as to if I have the will to complete this trip and I'm starting to think it was a massive mistake in the first place , spending 400% of my planned budget,I'm sick all the time , lack of tools , constant fear , I've lost over 35lb in weight