Hi finally got the internet, I used city nav 2012.1 on a old Garmin 250w , it was on a Sd card as the memory in tis old Garmin was very small, its working good In Ryazan and found the street in the village on the outskirts of ryazan, worked near Moscow also, took it across country near ryazan, followed the old roads ok but keep trying to go left and right through the villages (must have been old roads) instead of follwing the main rd. It would not run the combined Roads of russia and Topo from the SD card as it was too old unit, 1390t seemed to run ok with this.Of course it worked OK in cyrillic and searched etc ok
Of course its only really for western Russia, I have noticed plenty of Navigators in the big electronic store for about US$150 upwards including life time upgrades on the maps of Russia and they seemd Ok as well.
Hope this helps a little