India to England via the Stans - possible to arrange in a month
Hi guys,
I'm on a trip from Sydney to London on an old postie bike and, like many other people, have found myself in a bit of a pickle what with the problems in Iran and Pakistan.
I think I'd just go through and risk it but at the minute I still can't get an Iranina visa. That;s why I'm looking into the other route, through the Stans, and wondered if anyone could give me a green or red light to say if it's possible or not to organise that route in a month. Also, looking at the map am I right in thinking you can skip China and cut briefly through Afganistan?
I'm in Delhi so have access to all the embassies but would really appreciate any advice on routes and best methods of obtaining the necessary visas and paperwork as the last thing I want to do is put the bike on a plane to Turkey and fly. That'd be cheating.
Sorry,I forgot to mention, the reason I only have a month is becasue that's when my Pakistan visa runs out.