Jerome Catalion - info required
Hi All,
I am chasing some information on a Jerome Cataloin (or may Catalion) a french biker who died in Russia on 27 August 1994. He died about 60kms from the town of Svobodny in the Amur Oblast. At the time he was riding a KLR650, from what I can understand crossing the Zilov gap. He or his brother may have raced Dakar at some stage. The photo below is of a memorial placed at the crash site I believe by an American Rider.
Sorry for the sketchy information, just a bit of background information on this. When we broke down in Russia earlier this year, we were taken to stay with a biker and his wife, Sergi and Olga Antonov. Sergei was able purchase Jerome's bike and restore it. He hopes one day to complete the trip Jerome started. I am looking for some information so that we can better understand the story, even the name of the person who placed the memorial.