We had mostly good experiences in i we had mostly good experiences in the Olgii area. The eagle guy is certainly entitled to his business, he went to the trouble to raise that eagle from hatchling. The "money changer" in the village before the border told us there was a $50 tax on travelers leaving Mongolia. my daughter gave him a strong piece of her mind and I was going to tell him that we would be happy to pay $50 to someone in uniform. We did a few good deeds, we pulled a 25 tonMercedes tractor trailer out of the mud and towed a broken down bus a few kilometers. We visited with we visited with Tilek can a village north of Khodv and spend the night next to his ger. We made a contribution to his Kazakh English dictionary publication. It is important to contribute something to the local economy.
Unimog U500 w/Unicat