Mongolia what to expect?
Got the visa quicker than the Russian girlie managerd to get hers (only took me 24 hours and cost alot less than hers). Not sure if I should wait for her till friday as it means another 2-3 days sitting around, Hannas still hasn't got his part though DHL's fault messing with him its in Irkusk but they are not letting him have it.
I know I can make it to UB as there is a road not a good one but a road none the less as its only 350km from the Russian border which is about 300km away.
Question is ...
Is it worth it? , considering my offroading ability is what you can call 'limited' in that I'm hearing horror stories from riders passing back of deep mud , bike deep river crossings , constant punctures. And thus any outings in Mongolia will just be day trips along routes nearby UB , which may mean alot of sitting around in hostels and such like in UB . Also my front tyre is a metzelier something which is awful off road , I tried it in the mud a few days back and it got clogged up pretty quick.
In that my other option is just to tackle the Amur highway soon and get to Vlad sooner rather than later, and have a better crack in a few years time.
Note I also still lack a comprehensive tool kit due to losses and theft which means I'm travelling dangerously.
I have enough tools to take off both wheels , but as so far yet found no tyre levers and have found a very bad alternative .....being plier handles and mole grip handles. And thus a puncture is fixable but it will take hours.
Any thoughts?
Just go see UB and head back after a few day trips out and about ?