Tell him to clean his fork seals. Often times leaking fork seals does not mean bad fork seals, it just means there is dirt stuck in them. I have done this about 5 or 6 times on my bike over the past 2 years on my RTW.
There are 2 seals. The dust seal on the bottom and the oil seal above that.
1. Pull the dust seal down and use a rag to get any dirt above it.
2. Use a thin piece of plastic like tearoffs for goggles, screen protector for cellphone, or even a glossy magazine cover.
3. Cut a piece that you can slide up under the oil seal and rotate it around the fork.
4. Do this 3 or 4 times and it should clear any dirt stuck in the oil seal that is letting out oil.
Here is a "how to" video. You don't need the Motion pro tool. Tech Lesson 11 | Cleaning Fork Seals - YouTube