optimize time in Russia and Stans
Hi all,
I’m planning a tour in Central Asia by the end of May 2013.
The thought is to start from Novosibirsk, enter Kazakhistan at Zmeinogorsk going down to Kyrghizistan and Tajkstan (Pamir Hwy M41), Uzbekistan, Aral sea, Russia (Astrakhan), Ukraina (Odessa), Romania (Bucharest).
This shoud be done in around 20/25 days.
To make the story short, my idea is to ship the motorcycles (2) by truck with a freight company directly to Novosibirsk (time saving but no idea of the cost..) and reaching the bikes by flight and once there arrange the paperwork (custom clearance?) with a local agency.
I’m little worried about some possible hassle due to the fact we are entering Russia by flight and not with the bikes. Could this be a problem?
An alternative I guess is going earlier to Moskow by bike and then take them on a russian train to Novos.
Which one would you choose having to optimize time (& costs)?