
25 May 2013
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In Cheon AP ferry to In Cheon to avoid motorway
Originally Posted by BruceP
You mentioned in a recent(ish) post that the ferry from Incheon Island was running. Is it easy to find ?
Mike and I will be uncrating the bikes on the 29th or 30th and then trying to get across the country to Donghau.
It is running. Make sure though you uncrate before 5pm. Last ferry is around 6pm. Just ask for directions to Wol Mi Do ferry ..prounounced PERI for ferry. 5 minutes from the ICN cargo terminal.
Look at the map I've posted, in earlier post.
Make the run on the highway to Gimpo AP ,, stay on the blue lane as you approach the toll. If caught all you will get is a warning!
Korean bikers have been demonstrating against no highway rule, Many of us are getting caught on purpose so we can take it all the way to the constitutional court!
Last edited by seouljoe; 7 Aug 2014 at 12:22.

25 May 2013
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Also, if anyone can recommend hotel/guesthouse accommodation in Busan we'd be grateful. We are planning to arrive in Busan on Monday and leave on Thursday. Ideally, we'd like to stay somewhere we can park the bike safely.

25 May 2013
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Originally Posted by seouljoe
It is running. Make sure though you uncrate before 4pm. Last ferry is around 5pm. Just ask for directions to Wol Mi Do ferry ..prounounced PERI for ferry. 5 minutes from the ap cargo terminal.
Look at the map I've posted.
Hi Joe,
Thanks for the info, but we will not be riding now. We have screwed up the documents. Both bikes are on on 1 AWB/Dangerous Goods. We had a misunderstanding with Wendy and thought it was OK.
We will now have to get them trucked to Dong Hau, we hope to get a ride with the truck :-)
We will be in Seoul (probably) the 29th/30th. Any recommended places(areas) to stay ? I can't remember seeing any in the thread

28 May 2013
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Originally Posted by BruceP
Hi Joe,
We will be in Seoul (probably) the 29th/30th. Any recommended places(areas) to stay ? I can't remember seeing any in the thread
Soon as you are on your feet,,, ask ,, customs guys ,, secretaries,, police,,
Good clean reasonable motel. ( 깨끗하고 저렴한 모텔) Safe parking for the bike ,, most of the motels have hidden garages, with CCTVs (안전한 주차장) ,, print this out and show them.
Or ,, type motels in Seoul, Busan, In Cheon, Korea on Google,, Voilla!
100% of the motels have free internet and free PC in the room,, it's a requirement like the water fountain and coffee.
Just find any motel ,, walk in... USD 40 - 80 per night ,,, also haggle.
Look at the map of Seoul. Pick ,, either by the city hall for ancient relics,,, Hong Dae University / Mapo district (Wendy's Office) for entertainment,,, Itaewon, near US army head quarters for Taco Bells, Wendy's and knock off Nikes,, near the Hyatt Hotel, Nam San (South Mountain, right in the centre of Seoul),, or go Psy style and head out to Gang Nam ,, south of Han river ( Han means people of Han,, Korea is Han Guk, in Korean,,, and same Guk ,, was used by GIs , with racial tone, for people of SE Asia ,, Korea comes from Koryu Dynasty ,, who conquered all three kingdoms ,, with land masse as far as eastern tip of Mongolia and all of Manchuria ,, to Sacharin ,, AD 700s) ,, some of the motels are Love Motels,, you check out at 11 ,, check in 7PM, find a district with less drinking bars unless you want sex toys in the room.
Booking.com is also great,, I usually get on line 2-6 PM and look for last minute deals for the night. I have had many good rooms at the half of the price, all over the world. Even motels, in small villages, in Russia has Booking.com affiliation.
Korean cops and people are friendly,, they will escort you in their patrol car. Just ask ,, Motel ,, and use body language.
Last edited by seouljoe; 10 May 2014 at 14:38.

2 Jun 2013
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Originally Posted by BruceP
Hi Joe,
Thanks for the info, but we will not be riding now. We have screwed up the documents. Both bikes are on on 1 AWB/Dangerous Goods. We had a misunderstanding with Wendy and thought it was OK.
We will now have to get them trucked to Dong Hau, we hope to get a ride with the truck :-)
We will be in Seoul (probably) the 29th/30th. Any recommended places(areas) to stay ? I can't remember seeing any in the thread
Bruce, Mike, and Igmortis
I am in Seoul as of yesterday.I hope to get my bike out tomorrow. Hope I can get stuff together and catch the Tuesday ferry to Zarubino. I'm staying at K POP Residents several blocks from the Best Western. I need to find a rear tire for Mongolia.I decided at the last hour, not to lug 2 tires across the USA.But now, I'm not finding tires here, as I thought I would.

2 Jun 2013
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Tires in Seoul
Originally Posted by doogle
Bruce, Mike, and Igmortis
I am in Seoul as of yesterday.I hope to get my bike out tomorrow. Hope I can get stuff together and catch the Tuesday ferry to Zarubino. I'm staying at K POP Residents several blocks from the Best Western. I need to find a rear tire for Mongolia.I decided at the last hour, not to lug 2 tires across the USA.But now, I'm not finding tires here, as I thought I would.
We got all sorts of tires of all needs, here in Seoul.
Tell us which tires you need.
Call my number,, you have only Monday morning to replace them.
ICN AP to Sok Cho is good 6 hour ride.
Your bike has to be on board the ferry at 9 AM ,, which means you will have to bed down in Sok Cho Monday night.
Call me and I will recommend a Korean hubber to give you a hand.
Your bike details ,, tires you need.
Last edited by seouljoe; 2 Dec 2013 at 01:48.

2 Jun 2013
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Originally Posted by seouljoe
We got all sorts of tires of all needs, here in Seoul.
Tell us which tires you need.
Call my number,, you have only Monday morning to replace them.
ICN AP to Cheon to Sok Cho is good 6 hour ride.
Your bike has to be on board the ferry at 9 AM ,, which means you will have to bed down in Sok Cho Monday night.
Call me and I will recommend a Korean hubber to give you a hand.
Your bike details ,, tires you need. 
My tire is 130/80 17.I have a new Shinko 700 at home. Then I thought why carry it here, when they're made here.I found a street full of dealers today. But it looks like dealers are separate from maintenance. I only need a rear tire to put on when I get to Ulanbatar.I put a new front on 100 miles ago.
I also want to get another chain, 106 links 520 O ring.
I need to get my bike from Korean Air in the morning. I hope that goes smooth.

3 Jun 2013
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Originally Posted by doogle
Bruce, Mike, and Igmortis
I am in Seoul as of yesterday.I hope to get my bike out tomorrow. Hope I can get stuff together and catch the Tuesday ferry to Zarubino. I'm staying at K POP Residents several blocks from the Best Western. I need to find a rear tire for Mongolia.I decided at the last hour, not to lug 2 tires across the USA.But now, I'm not finding tires here, as I thought I would.
Landed in Vlad this afternoon. In Optimum hostel. Louie should be here somewhere.
Tyres, I never lug them, we have some waiting for us here, near Vlad.
You are welcome to my partly used less than 1000miler if it fits :-) . I got in Eureka when our detour wore out the rear :-)
Tyres in Russia, try Dimity , buy@motorezina.ru and dl@wrooom.ru he was recommended to us by Heidenau and can deliver to just about anywhere in Russia

3 Jun 2013
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Originally Posted by doogle
My tire is 130/80 17.I have a new Shinko 700 at home. Then I thought why carry it here, when they're made here.I found a street full of dealers today. But it looks like dealers are separate from maintenance. I only need a rear tire to put on when I get to Ulanbatar.I put a new front on 100 miles ago.
I also want to get another chain, 106 links 520 O ring.
I need to get my bike from Korean Air in the morning. I hope that goes smooth.
Erm, that is the same size as mine. I can leave the rear 100k north of Vlad if that is any good for you ?

3 Jun 2013
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To Russia ~ !
Originally Posted by BruceP
Erm, that is the same size as mine. I can leave the rear 100k north of Vlad if that is any good for you ?
Spoke to Doug last night,, sorted him out,
Hope he made out to Sok Cho tonight.
He will be on the same ferry, to Zarubino, with a New Zealand couple,, Penny and Igor.
You guys look up Iron Angels and mention my name,, they will treat you well.
Also get the tel no of Iron Angels Mogocha Chapter,, for emergency. The most isolated, dangerous and long haul to Chita, where next benzine is available.
Make sure to fill up at the edge of Mogocha town behind wooden fence, just before the highway. Next benzine is 292 KM. Also the best cafe on the whole route is cross the street from the first benzine station, on the left as you enter Chita. Enjoy a long meal there. It goes down hill from there,,,,
Iron Angels Vlad has a huge bike repair shop.. with tons of parts.
Last edited by seouljoe; 31 Aug 2013 at 11:14.

20 Jun 2013
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Russia to Korea
Dear Nxxxx ...
Inbound to Korea from Russia ,,
Zarubino or Vladivostok is same.
Ask Yuri Menikov in Vladivostok.. HUBB forwarder.
Yuri Melnikov
Links, Ltd.
89 Svetlanskaya str., office 312,
690078, Vladivostok, Russia.
Tel/fax: +7(423)222-15-78
Tel: +7(423)222-08-87
Mobile: +7 902 5243447
mail to: ymelnik@links-ltd.com
When you arrive, in Sok Cho or Dong Hae, you simply declare a personal effect manifest,, your bike being a mobile personal item, no tax,, no carnet. They will ask you how long the bike will be in the country and may direct you to an insurance agency,, Get the bike insurance! There is an insurance agent the ferry knows of and it is only 40 bucks for a month, for a third party liability.
Also you need to read my thread on the HUBB about riding in Korea if you can.
This ferry has closed operation as of June 24, 2014
Once you arrive Sok Cho or Dong Hae ,, to Seoul is about 5 hours ,, go to In Sa Dong and ask any police man, for a motel,, you are 15 minutes by walking from the city hall,, full of historical palaces and museums.The rate is ca USD 50 or nearby 2 -3 star hotel USD 180. Booking.com is great for this.
Get hold of Wendy Choi,, a HUBB Korea forwarder.
M 010-6213-3961
Ask her to help you find your forwarder,, she will not charge you for this.
After you have settled in call me at 010-4765-4984
Last year I gave USD 2,500 to Iron Angels, Vladivostok for their charity. I will definitely will open my ears to your project.
Get hold of Iliya of the Angels,, and chew some tobacco over my time there.
Ochin dobre Ruskie,, I love the damn place and the people.
Angels address;
Good luck ,,
Last edited by seouljoe; 7 Aug 2014 at 12:24.

21 Jun 2013
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How long is temporary?
Hi Joe, You appear to be the authority on S. Korea and bikes and I've been getting mixed results trying to find some answers to some questions. I'm thinking of coming to Korea for work for a while, maybe a year and was wondering if there was a way to bring my bike with me for that long. How long can I bring in the bike without "importing" it and paying crazy duty fees? I plan on continuing to Russia after my stay in S. Korea and want my bike for that so buying one there isn't really an option (plus I like my bike and have puts tons of work into modifying it). I've seen threads where military guys do this, but it may be different off base...
The actual "plan" is to ship it to Thailand, ride around the area for a few months, then proceed to S. Korea, spend about a year, then proceed to Russia for a while (I'm originally Russian, but live in the USA). Maybe Europe or Africa after that, but that's a long time away.
Any help, tips or advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks Joe. lev

22 Jun 2013
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Importing a bike into Korea.
Depeneds on your visa. If you are coming to reside. You will need to declare the bike as a household item..with import duties ca 30% then mot inspection of usd 500 to 2000 then epb test of usd 500 and if pass all.. registration fee of usd 700.
If you come as a transiit.with proper declaration for your bike..within your normal 3mos then with more visa extensions..could stretch a year.
....without paying any fee...except the insurance.
Good luck.
Originally Posted by 0theories
Hi Joe, You appear to be the authority on S. Korea and bikes and I've been getting
mixed results trying to find some answers to some questions. I'm thinking of coming to Korea for work for a while, maybe a year and was wondering if there was a way to bring my bike with me for that long. How long can I bring in the bike without "importing" it and paying crazy duty fees? I plan on continuing to Russia after my stay in S. Korea and want my bike for that so buying one there isn't really an option (plus I like my bike and have puts tons of work into modifying it). I've seen threads where military guys do this, but it may be different off base...
The actual "plan" is to ship it to Thailand, ride around the area for a few months, then proceed to S. Korea, spend about a year, then proceed to Russia for a while (I'm originally Russian, but live in the USA). Maybe Europe or Africa after that, but that's a long time away.
Any help, tips or advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks Joe. lev
Last edited by seouljoe; 29 Jun 2013 at 09:51.

23 Jun 2013
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Originally Posted by seouljoe
..within your normal 3mos then with more visa ectensions..could stretch a year.
....without paying any fee...except the insurance.
Good luck.
Thanks! You gave me hope

12 Jul 2013
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German bike and Swiss license no no in Korea
As I have stated many times.. it turns out to be a big BS..
Just this week ,. a Swiss rider with German registered bike came thru Korea from Vladivostok.
He has sent me an EM, from Russia, with this myth ,, concern.
Just told him come thru and sure enough he passed right thru the customs, at Sok Cho and have shipped his bike today to Canada via In-Cheon AP.
So don't listen to this fable if you are riding a German reg bike or have a Swiss license. Korea has opened up. (Still,, If you send the bike to ICN by cargo ,, you might meet a voodoo customs official, who insists on the 1949 treaty) Use Wendy Choi do the import paper work.
Last edited by seouljoe; 6 Mar 2014 at 23:40.
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