Russia Tourism Voucher and Visa versus "Auto Tourism" Voucher and Visa?
The Russian Embassy in Washington DC apparently just rejected our applications because the company (INTEL SERVICE CENTER) that provided out Voucher is on some sort of "Black List" - despite the fact that the same company voucher was successfully used at several European Embassies (UK, Norway....) by other in our group.
So, we requested an obtained new Vouchers through our visa agent (TRAVISA) however, there is no option in the online VOUCHER request form to designate an "AUTO-TOURISM" Voucher. The Vouchers I received are just "TOURISM" so our applications were updated to reflect the new Voucher Numbers and the VISA Type changed to just Tourism (to match the Voucher).
The question is how is an Auto Tourist Voucher and resulting Visa different (other than the name) from a plain old Tourist Voucher/Visa.
Will I have any issues if we roll up to the Ukraine/Russia border on a motorcycle with just a TOURIST Visa (assuming we ever get it).
If so, has anyone recent experience with WASH DC Embassy and where did you get the Auto Tourism Voucher?