Originally Posted by ben south
we will be in australia for 4-5 months before we go to Japan and then on to Russia so we can`t apply before we go because they will have expired,
I believe the maximum lead time from issue of a visa to the commencement of its validity period is 3 months. Then you can enter at any time during the validity period - but must also exit within it.
Originally Posted by ben south
what a bloody stupid rule!
It is partly Governments playing Tit-4-Tat and partly a result of Ex-pats abusing the system.
Many Ex-pats (not just British) had for many years been living here full time on year-long visitor visas and popping to Helsinki or Riga for a weekend once a year to get a new one.
The Russian state didn't approve for a variety of reasons and introduced the 'residency where you apply' rule for some nationalities.
Following that many Ex-pats changed their annual visa-runs to their home country and continued living here full time. So the Russians introduced 90 day limits to Visas or for longer ones the '90 day limit in 180 days' rule - except for Working Visas (don't get excited, these are NOT Business Visas, but for specialist Work Permits!).
Still Ex-pats abused the system, successfully relying on Border Officers not bothering to calculate days from the 'passive' list of entry/exit dates stored in the Immigration computor. So it is now done 'activly' by the computor which automatically flags up anyone who has overstayed without permission when their Visa/Passport is swiped/scanned on exit.
No doubt some bright sparks now have obtained 2 passports and have 2 one year long visas in parallel, and swapping them in their pockets just across a border every 90 days!
You think Brits are made to run in circles?
See what Russians have to do to get a UK Visa.
Firstly the British Embassy stopped dealing with applications and interviews insisting applicants go to the Embassy's specified private agency (and pay their additional fee!) adding to the cost of their visit to UK.
Within a couple of years the Russians played Tit-4-Tat and made British applicants in UK do the same!
Another rule is that in RUS applicants MUST apply in person - not by post, proxy or agent, in person. OK, the private agency, knowing Russia is a bit bigger than UK helpfully (?) agreed to set up some regional centers. OK?
Not for the poor people of Vladivostock - their nearest Application centre is in Novosibirsk over 3,500 miles away. More than 7,000 miles (11,450 Km) round trip just apply for a visa to visit Britain, for every member of the family, with no guarantee of success! Add that per person cost to their holiday following UK stopping accepting postal applications from Russians!!!

(Rant over!)