I'm currently making my way back to Dogy from Iran...will be there in two days might see you on the road!
You don't need a tank card..they will fill-up your petrol wherever you go with their cards. I don't think that the card entitles you to a large quantity of cheaper fuel and let's face it after Turkey the price is right! It's 70 US cents (roughly) or 40cents with card.
Petrol stations are generally on the way into towns..only bigger towns seem to have them on the main road within the town. Watch out for speed bumps they are everywhere and usually without any paint. Again, generally, if you see a roundabout there will be speed bumps before it. Police checkpoints have big ones and there are random ones in each town (although generally these are plastic or painted).
You can buy cheaper insurance just outside the gates at the border...although not sure it is worth the paper it is written on.
Have a great time in Iran..it is certainly an experience.....just don't head into Komijan or Khondab near Arak. You will get a police escort out as they are sensitive military areas...although they don't tell you this anywhere!!!!!