Tashanta Border Russia to Mongolia
After about a week I'm planning to enter Mongolia from Russia at Tashanta.
I've entered / exited Russia with a car several times at various borders, but there seems to be a lot of BS on the web about this border.
The typically vague LP statement says something about needing prior permission to cross this border with a vehicle. This definitely sounds like bull... am I right? Who the hell would I ask for prior permission? I asked the Mongolian consul in Almaty if I need any paperwork to enter Mongolia here with a car, and he said no.
People also talk about a permit to corss this border. This also sounds like crap. The M-52 is a federal road and therefore I expect I need only a Mongolian visa to approach the border crossing.
I met a Mongol Rallyer in 2008 who had to abandon his car at the Mongolian side of the Tashanta border as they wouldn't let it in... apparently it was a temporary thing.. I guess the Mongolians were getting sick of all the junk cars that were littering their country in the name of charity. I am planning to leave with my vehicle... are they once again allowing vehicles to enter at Tashanta?
I also heard (though I don't believe this) that the Mongolians want a carnet???? I have one, but I'd be very suprised if they accept it... they are not listed on the back page of the carnet.
As far as I know, the only unusual thing I have to do is registration in Gorno Altaisk.
So, could someone who has crossed this border with a car / bike recently please reassure me that this is a normal border crossing, and not some half-impossible obstacle course of nonsense bureacracy? There seem to be more legends about this border than there are about the Khyber Pass.
Oh, and did you need to pay anything at the border?? Mongolian car insurance? Any taxes etc?
Thanks a lot