Two motorcyclists killed in Tuva.
Siberian Resident Kills Two for Damaged Wing Mirror
07:52 09/07/2012KYZYL, July 9 (RIA Novosti)
Tags: murder, Russian Investigative Committee, Tuva, Siberia
A resident of the southern Siberian republic of Tuva has killed two men after they damaged his car’s mirror, the Investigative Committee reported.
Investigators said that two men, aged 18 and 20, damaged a wing mirror of his car when riding their motorcycle on July 2.
The car’s owner, a 34-year man, and his two companions caught up with the bike riders, stopped them, took them to the woods and beat them to death. They also threw the motorcycle down to a nearby river to get rid of it.
The suspects face up to life in prison if found guilty. An investigation is underway.
Siberian Resident Kills Two for Damaged Wing Mirror | Crime | RIA Novosti