Originally Posted by Boycie
Could you please clarify the 180 day rule. I am hoping to go to Magadan this year going via Ukraine, Kazakstan and Mongolia. By the time I am exiting north east Mongolia I will only have spent 10-14 days in Russia. When returning from Magadan will do the full trip back to Ukraine in Russia. How is the 90 days calculated. Does it start afresh once you re-enter Russia. The registration within 7 days, does that have to happen each time you enter the country and can it done at Police stations as well as some hotels. Thanks in advance.
Well this is how i undertsand it but maybe i am wrong
Ok so say your visa was issued today then you can stay 90 days maxium in the first 180 day period and no more and for the next 180 days its the same 90 day rule
Yes you have to register each time you enter within 7 days also, best to plan your route so within the first 7 days you can get it done.
Hotels sometimes take 2 days to register.
I am no expert on this matter as i only ever stay for 1 or 2 weeks when i go to Russia so maybe others on this site can give a better answer