I would say it quite hard to find any ATM in Uzbekistan. I dont know about Samarkand but i saw none in Dushanbee (which dont mean naturally they dont exists  ) and i spend many hours in the morning trying to find one from Bukhara.
All OSM map icons which indicated ATM seemed to be something else than what is considered in europe as bank. They adviced me to go one hotel in edge of old town. Some company has office there where you can get money with credit card. I waited guy over two hours as he was always coming in 10 minute or so. Finally i got tired of waiting and speed off from Bukhara and Uzbekistan into Kazakstan. In Kirgistan you can find ATM from banks from bigger cities and in Kazakstan there are plenty of ATM's.
I would definately stack myself with enough euros or USD if i ever go again to Uzbekistan. Even in Mongolia it was easier to find ATM's and it is very barren country. In Uzbekistan problem is high inflation so ATM machines would need be size of small truck to hold enough cash.