I am self employed and obtained easily a business visa. They don't check that I am really self employed. I am now in the process of getting another Business visa. I still don't need to provide any docs regarding my Ltd company.
But in that case the requirement is that you can sustain yourself: with 100 pounds a day, per day of visa, or 3000 pounds. You need to provide 3 latest months of bank statement to show this.
Why don't you just say you are self employed?
Otherwise, you can look into "Humanitarian visa". Some of my retired friends, few years ago, got one that way. It was multi entry.
In conclusion there are still lots of choices for you. Talk to an agency.
There are quite few around. I have used RealRussia few times, (and my retired friends had their Humanitarian visa with them). I also dealt with VisitRussia.org.uk for some internal flights. Both companies are competent although VisitRussia is more expensive regarding visas.