Kickstart return spring
Kickstart went all limp on me, and the Bullet. Took the gearbox casing off and the return spring had come off. Re-assembly done and it's not working as expected. What's the correct method?
I (stupidly?) rotated the kick start shaft round 180 degrees to make it easier to get the spring on, but I have a feeling that's the problem. Is it just a case of rotating it through another 180 degrees? How tight should the spring be?
Help appreciated as it's far too soon to have buggered the bike....
PS. My problems increased when a 'friendly' Moroccan parking attendant jumped to my aid. Despite me trying to get my tools back off him he battered everything in sight and stripped the thread on the oil filler bolt and ripped the gasket to bits! nice!
[This message has been edited by DougieB (edited 24 December 2004).]