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Overland Bicycle Travel Overlanding questions for two wheels, no motor!
Photo by Carl Parker, Always curious Tibetans, Tibet, China

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Photo by Carl Parker,
Always curious Tibetans,
Tibet, China

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Old 2 Sep 2007
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Which bike?!!

Lots of the threads that exist for motorcycles could be reproduced in here for bicycles - even some of the technical & maintenance stuff (less the engines of course).
Tyres, saddles, luggage, tool kits, best routes, travel paperwork (is there any?), mountain bike Vs road bike come to mind immediately.

So which bike is most suited to riding long distances? (yes, that begs the question about what a long distance is!). That's mainly on tarmac with the odd gravel path/track thrown in occasionally.

I am not a long distance rider I reckon, having done around 70 Km in "an easy-rider day" over a period of about a week.
I currently have a cheap mountain bike;- a pretty basic machine with 21 Shimano gears and no suspension.
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Old 2 Sep 2007
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Which bike

I very nearly did a south american trip by cycle. After a lot of research I found the Dawes Galaxy and Super Galaxy to have very good reputations for this. I bought a Super Galaxy, didn't use it for the trip but do use it for general riding around and the odd camping trip, nice bike to ride, comfortable and well built. Also if I remember Trek 5300 series are good bikes
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Old 4 Sep 2007
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My last trip was a 6 month tour of Central and South America by motorcycle, but I have been back for 8 months now and need to start planning my next project. The first question is engine or no engine. I really do want to do a long distance bicycle trip before I get too old. Long distance to me being maybe 3-5,000 miles, probably in Europe or North America.

Here in the USA, there seems to be very few touring bikes available. I'm not talking about custom bikes that cost more than my KLR 650, just off the rack bikes. The two that a quick look have turned up are the Trek mentioned in the above post, and this on from REI, and American outdoor supply chain store:

Novara Randonee Bike - 2007 from REI.com

It seems to me to be a good value, with well known brand name components. Anyone care to comment?

The next question is trailer vs. panniers. I have a B.O.B. trailer, which I pulled on a 600 mile trip, but I hated every mile. The trailer wants to steer the bike, and standing up to pedal is out of the question, as the bike wants to go into a tank slapper when you rock the bike at all when pedalling. Are panniers any better? I think the ones on the front fork look like trouble form a steering standpoint, but have never used them. I pulled the trailer behind my aluminum road bike, so maybe it is just to flexible, but I don't know. It seem sto me that with the pivot point out behind the rear wheel the trailer has some leverage on the bike to push it around. Comments / suggestions?
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Old 4 Sep 2007
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Appreciate the input to date and it already contains much food for thought.

My first realisation is how much pedal cycle prices have increased since I was last aware of them, even vaguely aware; it is over 10 years since I last bought one.

The Dawes road oriented type of bike is around £700 - £800 new while the Trek mountain bike (can't find a 5300 but there are quite a few Treks) can be anything upto £2500!! (I have bought many a motor bike for less than that).
These prices are "snapshots" from UK Ebay, so dealers may be asking more for a complete service with advice etc etc.
Andy, this makes your online price good value IMO (= about £450 or thereabouts). The carrying frame on the back is very similar to one that I used.

Panniers: I used these on my 5 day trip. They were mounted over the back wheel and I could feel the weight of these in the same way that you do when riding a motorbike - it certainly helps to maintain traction in muddy conditions (yep, I've done a bit of mud on a pushbike and it does clog up the mudguards if they are fitted close to the tyre and it does make the going difficult, with a tendency to drop the bike and skid the back wheel).

The weight is also felt when travelling up hill; they cause the obvious effect of light steering and I can see why some people use panniers mounted front and back to balance the bike's weight distribution.
I didn't camp, doing B&B accommodation; the good news is I reckon this could be maintained indefinitely. By getting into accommodation early every few days to do a bit of washing and drying of clothing, I could have gone on and on etc, subject to saddle soreness!!!

Yep, having done a shortish bike ride with equipment for the first time the
interesting conumdrum remains IMO: "best" to ride long distance with an engine or without an engine?
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Old 4 Sep 2007
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Thumbs down Trailers

I reckon you are spot on with your observations about using a trailer; there are various examples of towed caravans in the UK jack-knifing and/or overturning because, basically, the trailer ends up controlling the towing, lighter vehicle.
The same effect will translate to any light vehicle towing a heavily loaded trailer.
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Old 6 Sep 2007
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Hi Everyone,

Thought you might like to check out some of the links below as I have recently been looking for a good quality touring / trekking bike for future travels.

Koga-Miyata - The Quality People In Cycling - Home

T h o r n C y c l e s L t d.

The Adventure Cycling Guide: Information for adventurous cycle touring

(You might have to cut and paste!)

I too am amazed at the changes to bike design and equipment (and like Walkabout the increase in prices as well)

In the mid '80s I was into cycle touring in a big way, cycling throughout the UK plus a lot of Europe / Scandinavia - I too had a Dawes which was then considered to be one off the better touring bikes, then I discovered it was easier with an engine ! and have spent the last 15 years touring on motorbikes, the last 6 on a very nice Africa Twin which I keep telling myself will be the last one !.

Now I am back to where I started from and am thinking about touring by bicycle again, not quite sure why but I think there is something very peaceful about it, getting off the main roads, going at your own pace, freewheeling down hills - and no (compulsory) helmet.

And yes you are right there is tonnes of relevant information on the HUBB to 2 wheelers of both varieties.

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Old 20 Sep 2007
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Cool which bike

Hi i got a pushbike in athens just a cheap mountain bike for 120 pounds stronger frame,wheels etc than a road bike no troubles just punctures,dogs rode to england not called a pushbike for nothing.it was good on dirt cobblestone roads,i would get waterproof soft saddlebags,at least to keep a sleeping bag dry if camping.you can balance the weight out with the tent on the handlebars and a tyre pump for hitting dogs chasing you,take plenty of time,ron.p.s don't take short cuts over hiking trail moutain passes.
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Old 2 Oct 2007
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In Awe!

Last fall (october/november) I rode to Panama on my KLR an was amazed to meet up with a bicycle rider from the Czech Republic who had started in Alaska and was in Guatemala when we met. As I recall he had panniers on both the front and back of his "road-style" bike. He also had a small back pack. For you guys that take on this type of adventure, my helmet is off!

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Old 8 Nov 2007
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Thumbs up Thorn

Thorn seem to be a good firm. I spoke to them and they were very helpful they offer full on touring bikes both road and mountain and also with the option of hub gears. As mentioned elsewhere the prices are steep but you are getting some great gear for youre money and the best thing it doesnt matter how crazy the fuel price esculates you always got youre pedal power.

Ride On
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Old 23 Feb 2008
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Which type of bike to ride on a long tour carrying your own gear - I'd pick a Mountain bike without suspension if your not worried about going too fast or a commuting bike with wider tires. When I use to ride long distance with gear I used a mid seventies road bike with 1 1/4" wide tires. The modern super skinny tires are not the best choice for carrying gear. That's why I might be more inclined to go the mountain bike route (wider tires). I say a mountain bike without suspension if you're staying on paved road surfaces. The suspension only adds weight and compexity and really isn't neccessary unless you're going on mountain trails or something.
As far as panniers vs trailers; I recommend the panniers front and rear. Just don't oversuff them. I've used both set-ups and like the panniers better myself. The front rack with the "lowers" keeps the front panniers weight pretty low which is a good idea. I also like a handlebar back if you can find a decent one. It's nice to have a map in front of you or be able to reach in a get a snack while riding.
If you go with a trailer - I'd recommend the two wheel variety. They are way more stable in my opinion. I pulled my two year old son across our state in one and it did quite well.

Good luck.
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Old 3 Apr 2008
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In terms of indestructability I have been very impressed with my Trek MB which I have been dropping into rivers and onto rocks for six years now - only ever had to re-grease it and change tyres and brake pads. Super light also.

But at the time it was ridiculaously expensive (SGD 5,000) - but given its durabiltity I reckon second hand Trek bikes might be worth looking into.
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Old 18 Jun 2008
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surly long haul trucker : SURLYVILLE

too expensive right now, even frame only. but a bike with a brazed on spare spoke holder has to be top of the lust list.
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Old 27 Feb 2009
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Does anyone have experience with a recumbent bicycle on a long trip. I know they can obtain faster speeds, but are worse in the hills. I guess it would depend on the expected terrain. What are your thoughts?
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Old 29 May 2009
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highly recommended hub gear

I am sure that there are many suitable bikes out there but if you can afford it the one thing that I would recommend is a Rohloff 14 speed hub gear.
They are not cheap, about £900 just for the hub, but are more reliable and service free than a draileur. I see that somebody has recommended Thorn cycles, many of their bikes have these hubs and would be a good buy.
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Old 29 May 2009
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It's a Marinoni Turismo

Just found this thread, so I'll offer this for what it's worth.

I've ridden bicycles all my life, but no great distances, and never been really serious about them. Longest journey was about four weeks from London to Disney Paris and back, mainly spending time in the World War 1 cemetary areas of N. France. In 1998 if I remember correctly, on an old-ish road-touring Raleigh.

Then I had a brilliant idea. Go to Calgary in August 2001 to see a relative, buy a new bicycle there (to replace my old Raleigh - I assumed decent bicycles would be cheaper in Canada), then early in September head south to stay with the good weather and see where I ended up by mid-December, then fly home with the bike.

Well, first thing I found was that bicycle sales are very seasonal in Canada, and no shops had road-tourers in August. It was all off-road stuff. Road tourers are only sold in the spring. But I found a shop with some still in stock and one fitted me. It wasn't cheap but looked good and the salesman seemed professional in his recommendation. So I bought it, and to this day have never regretted it. It still gets me around here and abroad.

It's a Marinoni Turismo of 2001, made in Montreal, Canada.

First I set off north and reached the Athabasca Glacier where a cycling couple from Washington state demanded to know where I'd bought my bike. They insisted it was the best quality Canadian-made bike you could possibly buy and they had failed to find any in stock that summer. So they bought another well-known make (don't remember what), and sent the frames to Marinoni to be painted. That told me why their bikes looked so much like mine.

Then I headed south, roughly along the western foothills of the Rockies. Some of that journey was on dirt roads, but well-maintained.
I met many cyclists who looked at my bike and pointed out to me all the high-quality engineering and contruction features it had. (I've never been a great expert in bicycle engineering and construction).
To me, that journey itself proved what a brilliant purchase this bicycle had been, but it was good to get the approval of so many long-distance cyclists that I met on the way.

I reached Mexico (Nogales) by early December, truly a surprise to me to have travelled so far. But I still had time in hand so crossed the Rockies into Texas, El Paso, and visited Ciudad Juarez (Mexico again) and ventured down the Pan-American highway a little.

Then I flew home to London, the first time I had taken a bicycle on a plane.
Since then I have flown with it numerous times to Switzerland and Spain and it still gives brilliant service. It has flown now on about a dozen flights, always just packed in a large polythene bicycle-bag, and never suffered any damage. People who have flown their bicycles regularly, and suffered damage, tell me that my bike must be particularly strong not to have ever been damaged.

My last foreign trip was to Switzerland last year, and on the train to Gatwick Airport a few other cyclists were also heading for the airport. One was with his son, saw my bike, and proceeded to explain to his son all the finer quality points of my steel-framed bike to him. The son had never really seen a steel bike before but his dad sounded like quite an expert in their construction.

So my vote for the best road-tourer confidently goes to Marinoni of Montreal, a manufacturer I had never heard of until I happened upon a couple of examples in that shop in the suburbs of Calgary.

Just to round off, the same Calgary shop equipped my bike with aluminium racks and soft panniers front and rear, and the straps so that I could strap on my British cycle-weight tent and sleeping gear. Those racks and panniers are still fitted, in use, and going strong.
TTR250 - London to Cape Town
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