Especially the Nissan Patrol LWB 6Pots with the slightly raised roof (spanish speciality?) are very nice cars and sought after. A friend who imported Santanas just missed to buy one.
By means of transportation comfort, every car is much more suitable for long distance travel, than a Series Diesel. But as soon as one reached destination with rural roads and off road short cuts, it´s the perfect tool for two people, IMHO. Narrow outside, full size 140x200cm bed in the rear, walkable roof to carry all sorts of toys for winter and summer sports, reasonable consumption (even runs on used & filtered frying oil), easy to fix* and cleaned with a hose even inside. At the end, it´s the most photogenic ;-).
The charme of that old leafer, that brings up memories, daydreams and conversations of all sorts in many people is a great opener to get in touch with locals and other travelers (and is a built in burglar alarm by social controll, too) Which sometimes is a bit annoying, when having a nap in the rear and some bored tourist ist slapping the aluminum body by saying:"boy, that was still thick steel in the days back then, they don´t build them anymore like this, but say: you didn´t come all the way from Germany in that old car? Did you?" "no we came on that flying carpet I´m trying to have a sleep on, mate"
But most of the time it is really an enrichment to the journey. i.e. parked the car on an autumn sunday morning in front of a Sardinian tavern full of boar hunters who later gathered around it and used it to place their stuff on the bonnet, thinking it was one of their´s. I was offered a
, didn´t stop after three, went with them days later on a funny 4x4 excursion including mushroom dinner and the full heartwarming atmosphere of an italian table full of people. At the end i rented a tiny house from one of the guys for a winter stay for a bargain (as my neapolitanian coworker said: this rent from a Sardo would be a steal for a mainland italian but it is unseen for a teutonic tourist. He was joking, my landlord might have a crossed eyed daughter he desperatly wants to get rid off. I´m still sure, it was because the car just blended in perfectly and just joined)
Even the close service intervalls and the legendary unreliabilty of these leafers lead to long lasting friendships with locals, who openly offered their bar´s adress as postal adress, living room and bathroom while we were camping in the parking lot, waiting 5 days for a valve spring to arrive.
fixed it on the spot
and went off surfing
Just this single break down got me introduced into a very closed circle of soulmate wind- & kitesurfers, who barely share their local knowledge (which spot works best at given conditions and which spot isn´t worth the travel across the island) but became life long friends since then. I wouldn´t need to lock this car any more at any of their beaches and wouldn´t have surfed the best and most terrifying wave spots in the mediterranian sea without their guidance and back up. Priceless and worth every ear bleeding and back bending highway leg in this ancient tractor.
Wanted to continue travelling this winter around Spain. Spent unforgettable days and nights up the Sierra Nevada for skiing and night photos of Granada.... this year´s trip unfortunately postponed due to C19.
Hasta luego
Edit remembers another encounter with like minded classic car enthusiasts, which lead to the invitation into the service area of a classic car rally in Palau.