The right solution for a viking would no doubt be a miniature device mounted atop one of your helmet horns, with a bluetooth transmission hooked up to the rowboat...
Actually, although the Sony MVC-CD300 is not that small, it is rather lightweight ( 78 grams apparently ), and is the only hassle free means of uploading images within Internet cafe's I could identify. ( See my posting from the thread Digital camera dated 22.08 ) It saves jpegs, Giff's , MPEG's, and Tiff directly onto a 8 cm CD which can be read by a standard CD drive on any PC. The battery within is an infolithium, and can indeed be charged via wall socket...
Does it get simpler ?
Regarding Panorama, I'd advise you to be aware of the cunning marketing plan invented by the major Photo companies. While you might perceive Panorama to be a wider and shorter picture than normal, the image comes from exactly the same negative as a non-panorama shot. All that happens within a normal camera, is that two 'blinds' above and below blank out the top and bottom of the negative being exposed, and hey presto - you think you've got a panorama. Yes it's true - all they do is cut off the top and bottom of the photo. On APS cameras all three image types ( classic, panorama, and HDTV )are actually printed from exactly the same negative - a coding on the film tells the Minilab how it should be printed.
The only real Panaorama cameras from Hassleblad etc are very expensive - and use very wide angle lenses. I would suggest that you keep in mind a camera that can take a wide adapter ( Like the Sony )
Yours truly
An about to be fired Agfa employee....
[This message has been edited by Jeremy Andrews (edited 29 August 2001).]