Hi Stan,
>did you have a bbracket for the camera on the bike or did you just hold onto it?
I tried it clamped to the bike for a bit but the vibration was terrible and picture horrible. So I held it (wide lense helps).
But my camera is pretty big and heavy by modern standards. A lighter cam is more versatile in that situation.
Next time I might try and mount it on my shoulder like a parrot by clamping a magic arm around my neck, but anyway you only need a few of those on-bike shots IMO. The meat and potatoes are smooth tripod passes and people talking and doing stuff. Either way, it takes over the whole trip to do well, but is of course fun.
That pod looks nifty, but its only a sock, full of gravel, no? Overall a tripod is much more useful.
FYI, I just saw the DR story is in this month's Motorcycle Sport and Leisure mag
[This message has been edited by Chris Scott (edited 05 April 2005).]